Ragheads blowing things up

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by RadiheadR6, Aug 24, 2013.

  1. I agree but I also firmly believe that there are those who see tolerance as a weakness to be exploited, unfortunately. Which is why I believe in a strong defensive capability and the best defence is a good offence. But we need some principles to defend and I am not sure what the UK stands for anymore.

    I think I am probably too old to start a new language. Maybe a project for retirement ? I feel a new thread coming on.
  2. "Ragheads" is a rather crass term, but it occurs to me there is perhaps the germ of a point here. Lots of religions seem to be obsessed with headgear, and many of them require their adherents (to put it bluntly) to wear specific forms of silly hats like turbans, mitres, hijabs, yarmulkes, etc. The more extremist the religious sect, the dafter the hats, and the more obsessive about wearing them regardless of circumstances or practicality. This is quite useful, I think. It is handy to have a quick and ready proxy indicator to tell you whether the person you are dealing with is only slightly mad or absolutely raving. Not 100% reliable, of course, but a handy start.
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  3. You have to add the British legal profession to that list of daft hat wearing twats..........................FFS They dont look more wise wearing them......................
  4. Old men who have grown bald and grey, but don't want to wear a toupee, will never agree to give up legal wigs in criminal trials. It gives them a perfect and legitimate excuse for covering their baldness. Nobody wears legal wigs outside the courts though - unlike religious hats.
  5. A fair comment. They should be retired at the same age as the working public. Then then they can wear the headpeice and the stocking and suspender set at old boys functions.
  6. Judges generally have to retire at 70; if they retired any sooner most of them would get less pension entitlement. Barristers being self-employed can choose to retire as soon as they like, or carry on as long as they have any clients - much like any other self-employed worker. In my experience most judges are extremely fit and healthy for their ages, and very rarely take any sick leave.
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