Love to see the tax return that values a blowjob....cost me 20 years of my life and 3/4 of my earnings so far...
A new contract based on top notch performance on an existing contract and a proposal that creates a win / win for both parties over the next 5 years. Baksheesh is bad in my opinion.
Is "get given" a euphemism for "pinched while they weren't looking"? Quite a lot of people claim to have been "given" stuff, but I always wonder (e.g. my late brother was a bit prone to this).
I like the thinking there. I expect this will open up a raft of new posts which start 'well I didnt but uhum..a friend of a friend allegedly got'..... > add 'gift' here...< e.g. wallet with 200 quid in, gold on and so forth...hahaa
We are not allowed to accept gifts of any sort. Apparently it might contravene the US Foreign and Corrupt Practices Act or the British Bribery Act and our leaders don't wish to risk being sent to jail. So we do online training modules to cover their arses. They also think it is their remit to motivate us and not our customers, how little do they know :wink:
no pete, im a refrigeration engineer, they give me items as gifts now and again, which is nice, nice to be appreciated, im very lucky, I have a lot of nice customers, kev
We get a lot of gifts from grateful customers: a constant stream of wine, croissants, cakes and chocolates. That's what fixing people's computer problems does. Mind you, we deserve it, what with all the free help and advice we hand out. You sometimes think it's more of a charity than a business. But what are you going to say? "I know the answer to your problem, but I'm not going to tell you unless you give me some money."
It's very tricky in the computer biz. If you go and buy a power drill, you don't expect the salesman to tell you how to put up shelves. When you buy a computer, people do expect the salesman to tell you how to use it. If you want to make sure that a potential customer never comes back, when she comes into the shop with a "problem with my iPhone" - i.e., she doesn't know how it works - if you tell them "we didn't sell it, go somewhere else" you've lost them for good. And if you want your real customers to keep coming back, you have to give them a hand with their problems. It's a fine line, difficult to judge accurately.
Lots of gifts! Mainly wine & chocolate, and plenty of cards and thank you letters! Luckily we deal with some pretty nice people, and I would like to think I do a pretty good job :smile:
Every year for a staff Christmas luncheon, for a selected few only, we go to a top restaurant for lunch and usually stay for dinner also. My suppliers always come in with bubbly, wine and some suppliers take me out for a meal and piss up. Also in the past been taken on a few track days, Ascot races, rounds of golf, and a trip to Portugal.