I recently bought a cylinder from Japan using Buyee and all wet smoothly and it arrived last week. I then bought another cylinder from the same Japanese seller through Buyee and payed the shipping to the U.K. as before. Just had an email saying they have cancelled shipping as it’s a prohibited item and it cannot be shipped by anyone, I have 29 days before they dispose of it and I won’t get any refund for the item. How come the first one was sent without a problem (it was listed as engine parts) but the exact same thing is now a prohibited item (it was also listed as engine parts)? Any help would be appreciated as I cannot afford to lose the cost of the part, they did say it could be shipped to an address in Japan which doesn’t help me.
There used to be people who would assist bringing bikes and bits from japan to the UK. Some of them were expats so maybe you could try googling and see if they are still around.
I did pay on a credit card but is it fraudulent ? I’m not sure, I read the Buyee list of prohibited items and it says engines but not engine parts and also they have already sent me the same item a week or so earlier so maybe I have a case.
Buyee sent the email so I presume it was them and I checked the DHL website and it’s still listed as being processed by them.
I contacted someone in Japan that I follow on Instagram (he was otherwise a complete stranger!) and asked for their help when I was having similar problems with a seller in Japan. They stepped in on my behalf and it was on its way to me the following day.
That would be ideal, send it to someone in Japan and have them forward it to me but I don’t do social media. I’m on this site and another owners forum but that’s it. I did try looking up someone to post it on to me from Japan but they are all companies that won’t forward on another companies items
If the seller had full knowledge of the goods (they obviously did) and sold them with shipping offered as part -or optional- of the sale; sellers are generally responsible for the item until it is delivered to & received by the buyer. https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1967/45/schedule/1/part/3 You need to read carefully the sellers sale terms.
Fraudulent or otherwise, if they're not sending you anything, they can't charge you for it. Let the CC company sort it.
Not sure I'd go so far to say that, but it may have a strong bearing on the potential reclaim from a credit card used by a UK citizen
I’ve emailed them and asked why was it ok to send the same part a week or so ago but not now and they have replied and asked for the order number of the previous purchase that went without a problem. I’ll wait to see what they say.
Got a reply this morning saying it is allowed to be sent and that they have posted it to me, I’ll wait to see if it arrives.