
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by mike willis, Jun 6, 2024.

  1. I grew up in the sixties and the seventies, some funny stuff went on, a little memory jog about landing on the moon came about as the Chinese are landing on the dark side of the moon.
    We believed in the moon landing at the time, it was on the telly, the camera never lies, but we now know better, the whole thing was Bullshit, the spacecraft wouldn't last in a thunderstorm let alone outer space.
    It got me thinking about other events in my life that at the time seemed credible but were later proved to be utter nonsense, Weapons of Mass Destruction? British Leyland cars were good? Boris Johnson? Donald Trump? Jimmy Saville? The British bike Industry? The War on Drugs?
    The Reliant Robin was a credible answer to the four wheeled car?
    The list goes on and on.
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  2. Nice one Mike you make some interesting points here, and whilst some are credible I feel I must correct you, War On Drugs is a great band and still going strong .

    Out of interest what’s your thoughts on the earth being flat?
    • Funny Funny x 10
    • WTF WTF x 1
  3. Flat earth, not on your nelly, but the War on Drugs are a fine band and still going strong.
    There's a line where conspiricy theories spill into absolute nonsense, one mans meat is another mans poison.
    The lie told then being exposed is my interest, theories about religion can't be proved wrong, giving Jimmy Saville hospital keys can.
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  4. You do wonder about the whole moon thing. Tech at the time could barely get into orbit and pictures 'live' from space? :confused: Then the fact we've never really been back....
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. We threw the technology away apparently
    • Funny Funny x 2
  6. the russians tracked it all the way to the moon, if they could have disproved it they would have,

    the russians had an amazing space programme, about the only race they didn't win was first man on the moon, America bought a load of their left over engines, soyus is still used to get to the space station

    they have an amazing museum in moscow

    and 100s of 1000s of people all in on the conspiracy and not one leaked it? literally hundreds of ways and times its been debunked

    #7 southlondonCBR, Jun 6, 2024
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2024
    • Agree Agree x 15
  7. We believe in conspiracy theories because we no longer go to church.

    If the vatican could convince people that Jesus was a deep-state operative from Atlantis then the pews would be full again.
    • Funny Funny x 8
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  8. #10 Red899, Jun 6, 2024
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2024
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. Bullshit you say?

    what when a thread starts as 'im just gauging interest',.... or, 'I don't know how much to sell it for'...

    when really they are saying ooh how inflated can I make the price of this please?

    then it doesn't sell ....
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Useful Useful x 1

  10. lol
    “Selling my beloved bike, DM for more details”
    (Because I’m too embarrassed to stick the price up for everyone to see)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. An imaginary friend?
  12. One of the most impressive things I've seen in person was the saturn 5 rocket I certainly believe they went
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. I've seen the Apollo command module both in the US and also in the UK when an Apollo (or maybe gemini) command module was on display in the science museum. No plasterboard or "tin foil" in evidence from my recollection. Obviously the actual LEMs used in the moon landings aren't back on earth but the thing some don't seem to understand is that the LEMs are intentionally "lightweight" - they weren't designed or intended for flight through earth's atmosphere but only in the vacuum of space. Making them light reduced the fuel they needed to carry to leave the moon's surface.
    I don't think there are ANY unanswered questions except why some people persist in favouring conspiracy theories over robust evidence.
    • Agree Agree x 5
  14. No stars, no blast damage, irregular shadows, Kubrick involved, propaganda to beat the Russians, all clear in my mind.
  15. I was very fortunate to meet John Glenn several times in Vail Co. He was very good friends with the Orthopedic surgeon there, who in turn was the best mate of my friend Don who had a bad stutter -just like Glenn's his wife. Their stuttering and their mutual treatment completed the circle. I only met her once.

    Anyhow I will tell you now that there was absolutely nothing fake about John Glenn. He went out into space a few times -never went to the moon- and if you had met him you would have no doubt whatsoever that NASA, Gemini then Apollo are very real.
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  16. I saw some space craft of some description being piggybacked on a jumbo jet years back
    It did a fly over a house I was working on at the time and I can tell you it was very real.
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  17. I watched one of the shuttles take off. Well I actually didn't; I was miles away waiting and staring at some far distant objects on a bright and hot sunny day. Nothing really happens for ages and its a little strange standing about... Then this massive rocket leapt up -and I mean leapt- into the sky so fast with a plume of fire like you cannot imagine. Its so incredible to be there, to experience the power and force is quite overwhelming. And then you realise that the ground is shaking and must have been for at least a few seconds before you are even aware -such is the sensory overload.

    No one I'd bet, who has experienced this would ever consider any notion of fakery.
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