2002 Plastic Tank What's This Brown Stuff?

Discussion in 'Monster' started by Plezier, Jun 6, 2024.

  1. Found this brown stuff flaking/cracking off the ridge inside the plastic tank of the 2002 Monster 900 just looked at anyone know what the heck this stuff is?


    And how would one deal with it?

    Also what is this Y piece supposed to be connected too please?


    Am sure it's supposed to be connected somewhere and it's probably why it's running badly.
  2. Can’t help with the brown stuff but the Y piece should connect to a pipe (same as the short ones currently connected to it) which runs down behind the engine and vents underneath the bike just below the swing arm. The two pipes in your photo are the drains from the tank filler. It being missing will make no difference to the running of the bike it’s just venting in the wrong place.
  3. Ok thank you this means there is more going on than we thought more issues to deal with.

  4. the brown stuff is tank sealant unfortunately, controversial as favoured by some on here, but after the careful-est application usually ends in seperation and failure 5 to 10 years later (imo).
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  5. Thank you.

    Interesting as I know full well that some sealers are used in restorartion circles on classic, vintage and veteran vehicles and they do not seem to have this issue mind you than gain they have not had to deal with the shitty stuff they sell as "Petrol" nowadays until fairly recently that is. The costs involved in putting this sad 900 right means that I cannot consider buying it have looked around the web and so far have not been able to finda decent replacement tank for sale. Of course there is the new option at around 2,000 euro add another 750-1,000 euro for the missing cam belt covers and the rear tyre splash and chain guard means it's a no go.

    I am in fct looking at cleaner and sealer kits to deal with a certain internally rusted Ducati tank on a 620ie as that looks like the best option available to me right now. It's an import for the US with only 7677 miles showing on the clock and is standard and it about the same price as the 900 and also requires re-registering bonus is that it's closer.

  6. I contacted a couple of firm who specialise in tank sealers and both told me they don't work on plastic tanks so would not recommend them at all.
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  7. Why would there be a need to use a sealant on a plastic tank, are they known to crack/leak?
  8. maybe it was repaired and developed a leak, it is unusual but it's obviously not standard/looks exactly like aged tank sealant but this is only a hunch/happy to be proven wrong.
  9. to protect it from ethanol, the devils piss.
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  10. hadn't thought of this (my age/memory). :upyeah:
  11. Thanks that is what I was finding on my web research. As to why and who did this well that something we will never know.

    #11 Plezier, Jun 7, 2024
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2024
  12. :D Well perhaps we should all lay the blame where it clearly lies and that's with the produces of this evil shitty stuff they call petrol now. Oddly there are people out there that believe that all fuel tanks should be plastic and yes I have come across some of them.

    Have found on the web a couple of used tanks but decent ones are not cheap : unamused: .

  13. another thing that has probably occurred to all is that, unless i've totally lost it, it's unusual/possibly not standard to see an M900 with a plastic tank.. Every other engine size yes, but a 900? :thinkingface: Total Monster anoraks please comment - @Jez900ie ?
  14. AFAIK Classic Monsters -93 to 04- are all metal fuel tanks.

    Oh and its a cagoule if you don't mind!
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  15. Not trying to prove you wrong Chris. I’ve not owned/ had experience with a plastic tank
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  16. My Wreg M600 was a metal tank
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