I used to believe the space shuttle was real. However, NASA said the rear brakes—supplied by Ducati—worked perfectly when the shuttle landed. Then I knew the whole thing was fake.
I am not sure why people are so keen to pour water over the coals when it comes to space exploration. IF as most believe, the moon landings were genuine, then why not embrace the achievment rather than denigrate it. More so given the rudimentary (by todays standards) level of tech they had at their disposal in the 60's, to even make it happen.
With a statement like this, there is no convincing you, no matter the evidence. Makes a bit of a pointless discussion. For the rest, I'm not sure if you are aware, youtube channel "smarter every day" has got some great episodes on the space exploration theme, and many more. Well worth your time. Proper geeky stuff. Sample here
Just wondering if you’ve ever seen a Bigfoot or Yeti though? @mike willis One of the ‘proofs’ that the conspiracy theorists discuss is the flags that ‘fly’ with no wind on the moon. I can clearly remember Michael Burke explaining at the time that they have a strut to keep the flag ‘flying’. When I first went to cape canaveral the Saturn 5 was still outside. Also went to the Air and Space museum in Washington DC, they had the Hasselblad that went to the moon.
Nobody can deny we can send rockets into the sky and come back, it's the man walking on the moon then managing to get home to tell the story that takes some believing, with the technology of the day, mmmmm.
If the moon landing ws a scam, there would have had to be so few people in on it to have kept it a secret all these years. Eventually someone would have sold their story of the moon scam.
Actually, everything is unbelievable. In the end you have to figure it's all just a dream. Which frees you from having to specify what is having it.
If it was a conspiracy, one would have thought after three manned trips to the moon, the third trip (Apollo 11) being the first landing, they would have found a reason not to return to the moon and stop the hoax there and then when they were ahead, so you have to ask why they then had a further six missions and five landings, making a total of nine manned missions to the moon with six landings. Why do you think they did that, as it would simply multiply (probably exponentially) the risk of getting caught out? “Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice nine times with the same hoax, shame on me”, On the same vein, wondering where you stand on Alcock and Brown's non stop flight across the Atlantic, in 1919, with the technology of the day, mmmmm. After a visit to Cape Canaveral, or the Smithsonian Air and Space Museums in Washington, or the USAF museum in Dayton OH, to see the history of the space race, it's unimaginable that it all done as an elaborate hoax (unless some super intelligent alien came up with the plan during one of their visits to Earth ...)
We were lucky enough to see a space shuttle launch when we were in Florida on holiday. My wife had been to a talk at the Science Museum in London by Gene Cernan (Apollo 17 and last man to walk in the moon). She asked him what was the best spot to watch from. it was amazing, even from where we watched and the noise reached you about 30 seconds after the launch. Shock and Awe!
If you want real lies, US government line that Lee Harvey Oswald shot JFK with no help from anyone is probably the biggest whopper.
Perhaps all the conspiracy theories are just carefully thought out distractions thrown out there to prevent the actual conspirators from been found out... and David Icke maybe right. As an aside a quote from Wikipedia "A poll of Americans in 2013 by Public Policy Polling indicated that 4% of registered voters (±2.8%) believed in David Icke's ideas." Conspiracy theories require belief so are therefore indisputable. And if you try to dispute them you can be dismissed as either wilfully ignorant, stupid or part of the same conspiracy... perfect. What I find interesting is not even trying to discuss each theory but why such theories are popular & gain traction. Is it because people have or feel they have no validation or agency or solace in the (modern) world and despise what they & it has become.... religion was previously the belief based framework that gave answers & comfort to such troubles but as mentioned above it maybe just as well to: https://www.scientificamerican.com/...es-share-a-cluster-of-psychological-features/