I think I read somewhere over 30 million horsepower at peak thrust. No wonder the ground rumbles. Incredible…
If it is all true, and I’m fairly certain it is, all those guys that walked on the moon have some kahunas… Can you imagine reading the task sheet for that job? TAXI … !!!!
Thr moon landings were fake! Fact! Brexit is a massive success! Also Fact. Oh and the moon is made of cheese.
I think Wallace and Gromit proved beyond a shadow of doubt that the moon is made of cheese on their grand day out! Albeit like no cheese they had tasted before (so probably not Wensleydale).
Also, Covid was a pandemic that originated from a bats arse, big pharma and Matt Hancock saved us all from total annihilation....
Nice - "oi! get your foot of me gimbals" or "these gimbals really are the dogs bollocks" or "I was on the Darmah, gimballing along in 3rd when..."
Wrong again - as here's a photo of Stanley Kubrick discussing camera angles with Alcock and Brown to make the most out of the "Landing in an Irish bog at the end of a long day" final scene. And any thoughts on why NASA kept sending manned missions back to the moon after the first landing if it was a hoax?
"Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!" (said somewhat tongue in cheek!)
NASA was just a front for Marlboro. They created the Space program just to get massive audiences watching on TV, then they showed cigarette commercials in the breaks!
Today’s conspiracy is fact in 6m time…..way too often! I view conspiracy theory different to described above: it’s a challenge to the narrative given, a desire not to swallow what power says and production of alternative (ok often a bit fanciful) ideas. However many of those ideas become factually proven at some point in the future….i mean ffs the US govt declared they found alien life (when they were trying to bury the cats that were coming out about vaccines being deadly to a decent % of people and really untested) and no one has really talked about it
Bear in mind NASA really was just a bunch of nazi scientists who were more guilty of war crimes than most who were prosecuted