Rip Thread

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Rushjob, Mar 14, 2012.

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  1. It’s a tragedy but a blessing; as a fan whose team were on the wrong end of his absolute brilliance, you hated seeing his name on the team sheet but could only applaud his genius when you saw him play. To see him reduced to what he was by that bastard disease was horrible and I hope he can now rest easy.

    RIP Rob, and thank you for the memories; you were a joy to watch.
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  2. RIP Dr Michael Mosley :(
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  3. "Mad dogs and Englishmen ..."
  4. I find it hard to believe a man of his intelligence and biological awareness would be caught out in the heat. What was the cause of death?
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  5. Post Mortem says ‘natural causes’..
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  6. A bit vague, eh? I think I read heat exhaustion somewhere today. Very odd…
  7. He was 67, and pushed his luck once too often. A warning to us all.
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  8. Maybe…
  9. Totally agree, will qualify that i'm speaking for myself, but it's so easy to forget your age.
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  10. Some player, i had the dubious pleasure of watching him dismantle The Villa on numerous occasions.

    I’ve just heard him described on Talk Sport as a man who chose to live his life in ‘a prison a positivity’.

    A touching summary of a fine man.
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  11. Oh good lord... I read he was ill earlier in the year... That's no age.

    I remember him from helping the Baggies survive in the prem with the great escape - they were bottom at Christmas. Although they were relegated the next season ho hum.

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  12. Just seen this, Matt Durrans, he was a good watch , no age really :(
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