I'm Too Sweet

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by freshage, Jun 18, 2024.

  1. PSA - Don't smash a bunch of sweets for a week straight if you don't eat them normally. I have been very good and only eating sweets once in a blue moon for a while... The past week I have eaten at least 250-500g of sweets per day o_O

    Normally, this would be fine but yesterday I had a panic, my left eye went slightly blurry after waking up and it was hard for me to focus. This caused me to worry a lot as I have 20/10 vision in both eyes normally, and I was not ready to say goodbye to that lol. Alllll day it was bad.

    Turns out, a huge influx of sugar can cause blurry vision (even if you're not diabetic), yesterday I learnt! My eye is fine now, I think I'll consider sugar twice in the future :D
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  2. Yep, that will do it.

    Lady Nasher has been type 1 diabetic since her early 20's, and the first indication was blurry vision.
    It's the Sugar building up in the fine blood vessels in the eyes that does it, and why Type 1's have their eyes photographed annually to keep track of any damage.
  3. I’ve had similar with alcohol but never pushed my luck with sweets
    Wise words
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. It's a terrifying reality, I've never had issues with my eyes, so to suddenly wake up with that blur was so worrying. Sugar is a bastard.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Yep, if I have a proper session, the next day one eye won’t open for most of the day. My wife just tells people I’ve broken my eye again.
    • Funny Funny x 4
  6. Strewth :astonished: that's around 1/2 to 1 lb in old money.

    And as sweets are pretty much 100% sugar, or worse glucose syrup, I'm not surprised there was some after effects...

    I've given up buying Haribos or any sort of gummy sweets for that very reason... I'd scoff the lot in one sitting.
  7. My wife came home yesterday with more 'goodies' as they are my go to when work stress kicks up and as tempting as it is to gobble up all that heroin, I'm not risking it again :D

    Oddly enough, you think I'd know better having grown up with my Papa who owned and ran a sweet factory lol
  8. I am diabetic, too much sugar can

    1) make me grumpy

    2) make my John Thomas itchy

    I’ve never experienced blurry vision.
  9. Me too!
  10. I recon she’s been checking your life insurance policy, you need to keep an eye on her (pun intended) :p
    • Funny Funny x 1
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