It sounds like there is a bit of a war on between the locals and the general public. The photo appears to be an insurance policy and was a good idea as it turns out. 20 years ago a lot of forces didn't have contracts with recovery agents that's why traffic cops were stuck with smashed vehicles for hours on end And yes control rooms still authorise recovery but if a cop says there is an obstruction that needs moving they will authorise and the interloper will be removed
One thing that surprised me was the complete lack of any other cars parked on the same piece of road. Is it because they have scared everyone else off or is there some obscure sign when coming into that particular residential 'estate' that warns of private residential parking only. I also noticed behind the pavement scrawl was one of those BT roadside connection boxes... could this have been the grounds for their complaint?
The Babylon wouldn’t get involved in enforcing parking breaches on a private estate. The management company would have a contract with one of those parking parasite firms which can ticket but not clamp or remove vehicles.
People use it to park when at work. There is a nursery close by and a hospital. My daughter is a student nurse and if she can find a space it is £9 for the Day. As a student she can't afford that. I live opposite a school and it's carnage sometimes . But it's not illegal
Bullies, plain and simple. Both my Son and Daughter work at the same takeaway they are not treated by customer’s equally.
Mate used to live opposite a school, the amount of abuse he got when he challenged drivers for parking on his drive. It seems when you’re picking up your children anything goes. lol
There is near me I avoid it. Cars beached on green spaces the local co op car park gets full, total and utter mayhem.
Believe me, when my daughter rang me in tears ,saying there was a man walking up and down,staring at her, and a few weeks ago a woman shouting at her for parking, the last thing I said to my wife when I left to pick her up was " I'm gonna kick somebody's head in" . Bullies, that's what they are. Funnily enough, when I parked there, nobody came out and said a word. Bullies
there's a nasty fuck just down the road from here, lived there 40 years and would let you know never to park outside his house (no restrictions whatsoever on road) by parking literally 2mm away from your bumper should you dare to park it there. Always prayed for the day that an Artic would stop there, preferably broken down.
At the risk of being a “4-ball-Paul” or “Elevenarife” guy, I have a private school on my road and as it has no pavement, it’s only marginally less dangerous than Karkhiv when the SUVs are out in force at chucking out time.
My wife went to her mother's a couple of months ago. She lives in a council house , nobody has a drive, and she parked as near as she could, which happened to be about 2 doors down where a family had not long moved in. As soon as she got out the car, he pulled up in his car saying she had to move. My wife said no. To which he replied with a load of shouting and swearing. She visited her mum and when she came home I could tell something was wrong. She eventually told me what had happened so I went and paid him a visit. He was very sheepish and denied everything. As I walked away he shouted something which he soon regretted. Now I'm not easily wound up these days . I'm 55 ffs. But if someone bullies my family, I'm 30 all over again. I hate bullies