Super Sausage - Sunday 23 June 2024

Discussion in 'Rideouts & Events' started by Pete1950, Jun 7, 2024.

  1. Plan to get there 10 ish.
  2. We are over 2 hours away and with the best will in the world, we won't make 10am. More likely 11:30. Andy
  3. I'll be at the Goodwood Breakfast Club, so won't make this one
  4. I'm heading over there with a few friends, not sure what our ETA will be though.
  5. Bear in mind that, since the demise of Jack's Hill café, the Sausage has become very busy, especially on Sundays. 11.30 is about the worst time to arrive and you may well be turned away. Last Sunday they turned away about 100 bikes around 11.00-11.30 and the weather wasn't great.

    There is a alternative nearby, The Bike Sanctuary, which has much more space. I've only been there once but it appears to become more popular locally. Situated near Salcey Forrest about 7 miles from the Super Sausage.
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  6. Good point. I suggest 10 am.
  7. Thank you for this update. Would have been good to catch up with people but it’ll have to be another time now. Andy
  8. Won't make it this time, away on the boat making use of the good weather.
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  9. I’m looking very unlikely myself. My dad has taken a turn for the worse and I’m off down there this morning and stopping overnight. Will review tomorrow.
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  10. Forecast for Sunday is fine, dry, and warm.
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  11. Fingers crossed all will be ok .
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  12. Sorry to hear that
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  13. Won’t make it either. Family day.
  14. Getting ready to head off ...
  15. Deff not going to make it.
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  16. safe journey to you Peter, the day looks perfect for it.
  17. I had planned to come along but pesky broken aeroplanes kept me up till 2am this morning.
    Have a great day all.
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  18. Lovely day for it (it being bikes, boats, beers in garden etc). Enjoy. Hope to make it next year.
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  19. And now I have two more to deal with, so that's my entire weekend fucked up. Gotta love this job!
  20. Screenshot_20240623_133943_Chrome.jpg I'm not on the forum often, so wasnt aware of the meet up, but bumped into some of you at my local cafe... nice to see you again.

    @Pete1950 & others.
    #40 Not Carl Fogarty, Jun 23, 2024
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2024
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