Parcel Force Import Charges

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by 98 SPS, Jun 20, 2024.

  1. Does anyone have any experience of this?
    Is there any way to negotiate a reduction?
    The parcel is not a newly purchased item, it is a bundle of personal possessions that a friend had to send back, as he had overloaded his bicycle for a 3 month European trip and found it too unstable to handle. IMG_4322.jpeg
  2. That is utter bollocks, the fault lies in the original paperwork that has clearly failed to identify the contents of the parcel properly and it's (nil) value. Tell Parcel Force and your mate, you are declining acceptance. Andy
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  3. Welcome to Brexit Britain. Even if you send your own personal, used belongings either way you are exporting or importing them and are liable for VAT at a minimum.
    Killed a few businesses which used to repair things. Now every time those goods cross the border VAT gets added unless they're on a carnet which itself costs about £300.
    I even had a case where I sent a gift to my mother in Germany with a Value of £45 which is the threshold for free import into Germany. Customs opened the parcel and estimated the value higher than that so wanted to charge VAT. I could proof that I bought the present for £45 so it all went away in the end. I have stuff in Germany that has been mine for 40 years but if I send it back to the UK, especially if the package is insured for the correct value, I have to pay VAT.
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  4. Remoaners negotiated the leaving of the EUseless EUrinal.....
    They made sure another tax was raised.
    You can join the EUseless, but you can never leave.
    This message by St.Evenage has been hidden due to negative ratings. (Show message)
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  5. No they didn’t. The spectacularly deluded and fanatical Lord David Frost, who is now one of the last remaining true believers in Brexit, was in charge of negotiations.

    People were warned that these sort of petty and annoying ballaches would be part and parcel of being a “third country” located right next door to but not being part of its largest goods and services market and holiday destination, but that was dismissed as “pRoJeCt fEaR”
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  6. It is HMRC charging duty and VAT!
    I know people try and pin anything and everything on EU ......
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  7. IIRC, the negotiations began with David Davis who didn't attend a meeting for more than a year and then turned up for a few scant hours, without any notes or files. His replacement was Dominic Raab an overconfident sneering fool. Time passed with Frost spouting inanities, all the while cheered on by Toad, Flange Foggy & Redwood -ultimately it was the fat blond liar, Turdicus himself who presented his oven ready deal. Of course this was a total and complete fiasco as the current situation and the record from 2019 proves.

    You are either deaf, dumb, blind aswell as mentally challenged or living in a sound proofed bunker listening to your own delusions on repeat. GWS.
    #7 Jez900ie, Jun 20, 2024
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2024
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  8. Having simmered down and read the letter properly we will attempt to commence discussions with HMRC.
    Thanks for all the non political contributions
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  9. Lol... You're so far from facts, you're around the corner from the yellow brick road.

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  10. If it helps, I had a situation shipping something from the UK to the NL which had charges waived after providing proof. It wasn't a tough process, just a call (or few...) to the shipping company.
  11. Ha ha, good lad. Lefty baiting :laughing:
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  12. We're really driving the need to drag politics into a motorbike forum eh? It's pathetic.
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  13. I've never understood the argument that being in favour of remaining in the EU is a "leftie" position, when the EU is basically an enormous capitalist cartel. Although I had some sympathy for the “Ever Closer Union” kumbaya type stuff, my arguments for remaining were always primarily pragmatic, in that if you have a cartel on your doorstep, it’s better to be part of rather than competing with it and that all of the arguments for leaving were based on (at best) misunderstandings or (more likely) misrepresentations made by spivs and hucksters.
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  14. Probs end up in speakers corner soon……….like the random picture thread \o/.
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  15. You really need to stop sitting on the fence.;):thinkingface:
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  16. The additional importation costs levied on consumers and businesses alone since we severed links with the EU, has by now already surpassed the fantasy figure slapped on the side of the bus, it was purported we would save, if we were not sending them £350 million a week.
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  17. Calm down man. Fuurkin ell… :rolleyes:
  18. Calm as a can be mate, just tired of grown men acting like children. Bugger off to mums net forums or Facebook if ya'll want to bitch about old men in suits filling balloons with empty promises lol
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  19. Sorry to hear about your problems with import charges, and I tend to agree with the sentiments of post # 2.
    For what its worth, I recently purchased some parts from Italy for delivery to UK, but by a different shipping company. The parts were clearly marked as originating in EU; so not nil value nor already owned.
    I had used the Simply Duty Calculator below to estimate the expected charges. .
    On first attempted delivery, an inspection of the invoice showed that the description, charges and currency were all incorrect. However, the shipping agent representatives were reluctant to revise the invoice, despite its obvious inconsistencies.
    Finally, after failing to have the charges revisited, I contacted the shipping company CEO, and asked for his help.
    His department responded and allocated an agent to deal directly with the issue, and after setting out the problem they corrected the invoice and waived the handling charge.
    If you can't get them to see reason, I suggest you make a formal complaint and ask them to escalate the problem.
    Hope it helps, and good luck.
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  20. I've had this nurmerous times through my business imports. I now make sure anything for my business comes through a freight forwarder for pallets or parcel consignments through DHL Express or UPS.

    Parcelforce uses Borderforce to clear goods through customs and they're fucking jokers to say the least. My advise would be just to pay it, then complete a BOR286 form, return it to Borderforce including photos of what's in the package and you'll most likely get a refund for the Duty and VAT. This is at your risk though, just what I would do. Everytime I've appealed I got refunded. Form here: BOR286 - Customs Duty and/or import VAT relating to imports by post (
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