I'm an odd bod I get very attached to mechanical items Started with a MK 1 ford Emily the family car . She served us well for years ( I later went in to get one myself). When she went to Car Heaven I was very upset . My friends used to laugh at her ... They had new Fiat Panda's and she was a 1972 Mk1 Escort . I loved her ... My friends were baffled by this. And hated the other family cars after her. When I sold my 1972 Beetle I was howling my eyes out as I split with long term partner and The bug was a money pit and I couldn't upkeep it. I used to get postcards from my car for a while After from the next owner . Today I had to take my first car that I drove after I passed my test ( 2004 for my car license)1993 for bike and I'm still crap. My old Astra was very much part of the family ... And my first take anywhere car ..all over the UK. I got dumped miles from home in him and drove home very sad. Many gigs and Reading Festival , in Emergencies , all sorts. I handed it over and my son looked glum and I got cert of destruction and burst into tears. The scrapyard bloke was gobsmacked. " it's just a car !!! He was stunned. My Teenager said .. Mum is really upset !!! And looked worried. I said this is nothing .. If anything happened to my Motorbike .. My son winced ... They know how much I am attached to my bike! I old car at my old house for two weeks and kept nipping out in it... It is trashed ( nice people who live by my work ). I have had this strange affliction since a small child . Even when I was training as a litho printer if anyone touched my printing press I knew every quirk . Same as my bike I know every little quirk . Someone I know has a bike I love and it got stolen and I got the message and I burst into tears. I have an ex boyfriends bike here in bits. I loved that bike and he emigrated and said 20 years later the only person I could think who had an emotional attachment to it was you .. 20 years later I have his bike because he knows I'm a total sap ! He also was the same with cars and bikes and now lives in a 1930's bus in Australia he loves his double decker bus! Does anyone else get attached to their vehicles or stuff or is it just a replaceable soulless lump of metal? Would you be gutted if your bike got wiped out or pinched or just be oh well and here's to the insurance payout?
mechanical items......... I once had a girlfriend who would never leave home without her rampant rabbit - does that count......
I would like to make it clear that if anybody saw that documentary " I love my car" I am not that way inclined.. Two car " enthusiasts " met up to discuss their um habits . One of them work up in the night to find the other chap " doing things to his car or over it " Look up the Docu on " You Tube" was on channel 4 nuff said ... It was from the " strange love " season which included the man who took his "real dolls" out with him ......actually The Real Dolls are worse!
to be honest I was never intimated or bothered until the invention of lithium ion batteries the bastards could outlast me things had to end.....
allways, very sad i know as soon as i put some work into them thay become very much mine. i dont giv them names by the way,just cant sell em unless totaly skint.
Yep, very much so. Each car or bike has been, or is part of the family. I find it very hard to sell on my cars or bikes :frown:
No one would take me to see the remains of my 916 after I was discharged from hospital. A mate had recovered it from the recovery companies yard for me within a couple of days of me being knocked off it. I'd spent a fortune on it & kept asking about it, I'd owned it for 5 years & yet when I actually saw it (& it was scrap), it was surprisingly easy to turn away... ...knowing that nobody else would be able to ride it!
They are machines to either get me somewhere or for me to have a blast on now and again. Nothing more nothing less.
Yes Mel I hear you... I bought my first Astra while going through my divorce and all mine We went everywhere together in 5 years and never let me down Cost me £700 and an R reg The head gasket went had that repaired by an inexperienced mechanic ( which I know now ) When I had to scrap her I was very upset watching her go off on the back of a pick up to car heaven It felt like part of me was missing Yeah yeah I know soft old me I was devastated at my loss of Dizzy I had to go see her couple days after my accident and I was really upset I cried I still miss her and always will she was a big part of my life for a while
Cars don't do it for me anymore. I guess that when I used to drive 60k miles a year that scuppered that, even though I now only do about 25k a year. Bikes gave me some release from driving tedium. The only machine that has given me a stirring and a glow inside is Eva. Partly because of how she rides and partly because of how she looks and attracts attention from the masses when I'm out.
The biggest mistake I made in my motoring history was selling my Toyota Supra Twin Turbo I loved that car, she was running a smidge under 400bhp and was a joy to drive (especially as I was 23 at the time)
personally I think its fookin sad when people lay names on cars and bikes. get a life hehee ive seen it before in ebay auctions - 'welcome to my auction for sarah, my much loved car whos been a big part of my life for the past 10 years - weve been through it all together. shes been arse ended twice by others but loyal to me'
I'm the cold hearted type.. Sorry I mean realist! Its a lump of metal and plastic that will never be referred to as he or she. I do like my bike but I don't love it. I don't talk to it and it doesn't have a name
When I first got my Vincent, I thought of her as "Elfrieda". And when I first got a Mercedes, it's name was "Jellinek". Do you know why?
Well OK, but really because Philip Vincent's wife was Elfrieda Vincent, and Emil Jellinek's daughter was Mercedes Jellinek.
Yup, I know it's a bit sad but her name is Katherine. It's the 996 I am riding. Bought her in Hong Kong in 2005, dragged it with me when I moved back to Japan in 2006, took it with me to Australia when I moved there in 2007 which was a royal pain in the backside, and have now brought it with me to the UK as I moved here a few months ago. For the amount of money I have spent on import duties, shipping and all that stuff I could probably just have bought myself a new 1198...