Pets Corner

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Pixie1276, Aug 19, 2012.

  1. This got me pondering, moo has been sick overnight for past few nights. She is due her next wormer today so wonder if will help as no sign of it either end visually but shes not been right for sure.

    Wishing Scoo a speedy recovery too
  2. Plus one for Nexguard. Iggy had a terrible flea infestation in the summer of 2022, so (again on the vet’s advice) I wasted loads of money on the entirely useless Frontline and Advantage treatments and I had to suffer being bitten several times a night for weeks on end. I was also deep cleaning the house, boil washing the dog’s bedding and fine toothcombing his fur on a daily basis until (again) my dog walker told me to try Nexguard. Within minutes of him eating the chew, the little bastards were “fleeing” his fur en masse and that was that (thank you ladies and gentlemen, I’m here all week).
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  3. Vet said there’s a lot of it going around whatever that means. Fairly sure it’s something he’s scoffed over the fields though.

    Got him home and he’s not even eating his dinner

    • Love You Love You x 2
  4. The offending articles
    (They found three more in an additional lump which of course I got charge for in addition to the £800 I’d already paid)

  5. Ill get a breakdown up tomorrow, i need to phone them up as i left the place under a bit of a black cloud shall we say, didnt help the woman behind the counter was such a rude miserable unhelpful twat.
    £100 for each of those bandages you can see on his front and back legs though.
    Cant wait for the standard "How did we do" survey to arrive.
  6. Suspect you’ll find most vets are socialists… ;)
    • Agree Agree x 2
  7. The owners aren’t though.
  8. Do they get handed millions from tax payers too..............

    Think Martin Lewis has started some sort of campaign about vet bills, along the lines of they are grossly inflated because they expect you to have insurance.
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  9. The lack of regulations on the industry does need some sort of review for sure so hope he does and exposes them.

    When Moo had her leg injury, I got quoted 2k for the initial surgery. They asked about my insurance limit at the time, as would of been another 3.5k for a further scan if it didnt work. That wasnt even for any surgery, correction would of been 2-5k on top apparently. Luckily, the vet sorted it but talking up to 8k for a second operation if it was needed.

    I mean how on earth can 3.5k for a 15min scan procedure be justified?
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  10. Few years ago our Springer ate a punnet of grapes (he was insured), took him to the vets.
    They kept him in for 48 hours to monitor him and cleaned him out (some sort of charcoal wash I think), bill to insurance was about £3k.

    when I picked him up I asked the vet what they would have done if we hadn’t had him insured - he said not all dogs are allergic to grapes, we’d have said take him home and keep an eye on him.
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  11. 'Super Vet' programmes on the TV, whilst wonderful and fascinating, have raised the expectation of owners and consequently insurance claims/premiums. Add to that..too many people are (often through no fault of their own) uneducated in basic pet husbandry, and rush to their Vets before they've done the often simple stuff/remedy themselves. It's an emotion driven action though. We all love our pets and want the best for them. Put all that together and the Vet's prices go up. Nothing to do with politics :confused:
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  12. It's the same with private (human) medical care, or even getting your car repaired.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  13. Our new Vet (in Keele, Staffordshire) operates on a monthly subscription fee, so all our doggie checkups, vaccinations, operations, medications... are not charged for.
    We cancelled our pet insurance (no longer needed) which helps offset the monthly charge.
    It's an amazing practice, operates 24/7 as well.
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  14. They can’t afford to be. Except champagne ones :p
  15. wtf is that thing they hooked out?!! Looks like something Ripley would be chasing after a few more days incubation!
  16. Look out for them :upyeah:

  17. Bandages off today and a collar for the next two days to stop him licking the wounds, nightmare. Bouncing off everything and I don’t think I’m going to get much tv viewing
    I do feel extremely sorry for him.

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  18. The cone of shame :D
    • Funny Funny x 2
  19. He’s been brilliant tbf.
    The Queen of the house the polar opposite .
    They say dogs are supposed to feel empathy.
    She has nothing.
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