Where Have You Crashed Then?

Discussion in 'Trackdays & Rider Skills' started by Expat Jack, Jul 12, 2024.

  1. Inspired by a WhatsApp from @bradders where have you crashed?

    My misdemeanours:-

    Brands. Druids hairpin.
    Snetterton. Nelson.
    RAF Odiham. The corner with no name. ;)
    Silverstone. Aintree.

    Worst? Silverstone. Most stupid? RAF getting my knee down (followed by body) on our racing moped. Most unlucky. Snetterton. Oil and coolant mix onto tyre (I think : unamused:). Trying too hard. Brands in the early 80’s. Lost the front on the brakes.
    #1 Expat Jack, Jul 12, 2024
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2024
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  2. Brands / Clearways / highside = fractured both wrists.
    • Love You Love You x 1
  3. Donnibgton, Goddard is it onto the main straight, my 3rd trackday, just kept leaning until stuff touched down and so did my dad’s bike I had borrowed for the day…. circa 2004.

    Luckily I haven’t since, but was doing a lot of track riding last year and getting a lot quicker and knew I was due one! So I ran home to the Xbox and sold my R1
    • Funny Funny x 2
  4. Rockingham
    The really fast right at Anglesey where people usually get airlifted after crashing. Luckily it was torrential rain the day before and just slid in the mud.
    Andalusia, which ended with 8 days in hospital
    • Love You Love You x 1
  5. Bear with me, I may have missed some…and I class myself as not a crasher ;)
    - Silverstone. On the wettest day ever on track with road tyres.
    - Brands. Twice. Once avoiding back marker while pushing for a podium and once being a cold tyre hero on a test day (didn’t make race weekend)
    - Mallory park, racing someone not in my class in the 3 rd ever race ended with dislocated shoulder and 6 weeks recoup….ambulance to a&e
    - Cadwell. Racing for the win, last lap, front brake seized on at the end of park straight as I was diving under 3…. Note: single discs my be light but overheat easily
    - Anglesey twice, once cost me pole and the second a career ending high side crash with plenty of pain and hurt for months. Ambulance to a&e
    - Snetterton, part of someone else’s accident. Ambulance to a&e
    - Cartagena, twice. Once learned the lesson of old front tyre and brand new rear and difference in grip levels chasing a fella who was 5 secs a lap quicker…but I was keeping up! The other just a regular cut too much kerb job
    - Donington Melbourne loop, also my most idiotic: on my brand new multi in the fast group session 1 just done the three laps and I passed several panigales into the hairpin and went for knee down shot as there was a camera on the kerb. Back simply unloaded the lower speed (scorpion tyres) and slid out under me. Graceful dismount time, unlike some of my others.

    Been off in gravel, tyre walls and stuff a few more times. But that’s not crashing…

    I never crashed until I started racing. No trackdays. None.
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  6. So the lesson here is, don't do trackdays! :D
    • Funny Funny x 3
  7. Killjoy!
    • Funny Funny x 2

  8. Romford bowling alley roundabout. Had just had some new tyres fitted and high sided coming out of the roundabout. Wrote off my first 675 and broke my scaphoid which still hasn’t healed properly lol.

    Copped hall entrance coming out of epping one winters morning, car stopped two in front that I didn’t see as I was about to gun it. Missed the two cars in front and collided with the car turning right.

    Been lucky really.
  9. Never actually parted company with my bike, even though the kitty litter
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  10. Yes. But you are the Litter King.

    And you have.

    Three times in one session (or was it two?) Odiham.
  11. Brands , paddock hill.
  12. motorbikes only?
  13. No Chris. Whatever you like. Rules are for breaking.
  14. 1st - road in Midi France near St Etienne. Dangerous bend sign. Look around the hairpin bend to see if anything is coming. Look back just as front wheel runs of outside edge of road onto gravel. Front wash out, low side. Bike (Fireblade) scuffed. Me scuffed. That’s where I learned not to carry a wallet in the breast pocket of my then leathers.

    2nd - Nurburgring. Cold, wet (early August). Came upon an accident at the first bend at Hatzenbach. Stopped to help. When all tidied away, got back on bike and started on my way. Thought to myself “be careful; cold, wet muddy tyres. Perhaps if I weave from side to side I will get rid of the mud”. Woke up in the Ambulance. Concussion. Apparently I crashed within half a mile of setting off. One day in hospital under observation. Bike (Pani V4) trashed. All possible bodywork panels trashed. Tank dented on both sides. Brand-new Haden rep Arai RX7 trashed. Helmet did its job, though!
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  15. Oh yeah the ped racing !!
    • Funny Funny x 2
  16. Back garden washing the V-Rap. Leant on the offside foot peg to get me creaking frame upright & it toppled over.

    Luckily the log store prevented it from pinning me down otherwise I might still be under it... :worried::D
    #16 Andy Bee, Jul 12, 2024
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2024
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. Mallory Park Esses - chasing Taylor McKenzie on a track day. Low sided and flipped myself on the kerb - broke left wrist.
    Wolverhampton ring road - stopped hard after the car in front turned left at the last minute. Front gave way on painted white road arrow. Badly bruised right ankle.
    Yamaha Off road experience. - front gave way at walking pace on a cattle grid, clipped a metal fence post and took the end of my little finger clean off.
  18. I think it’s more don’t go racing…
  19. Oh yeah I forgot that. I had a full one there at the top too, lost the front. Chalk another one up @Expat Jack ;)
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  20. Don’t go racing and not expect to crash, otherwise you are not trying hard enough.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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