Hello A while back I've put new Rosso III on my 1098. After just under 3000 km the middle is just gone while the sides still looks new. No track, burnouts etc. Is this what to expect from Rosso III tires or is something wrong with my rear? How many miles do you get from Rosso III tires and any other suggestions on tires that will last longer?
Pretty sure I put 32 psi in that one but would have to double-check. The tire have been working very well, until now that is.
Even if I would have gone straight all the time, I think 3000 km is very poor. Anyone tried Mitas sport force+ ev? Their offroad tires are very good. Review of sport force also seems good as well as the price.
got about 7000 miles out of my Rosso 3 all on road, about 2mm left now in centre tread so going to change to Rosso 4 soon
Thanks for the reply. 7000 miles was what I was hoping for with my Rosso III. My old Battlax got similar so I was very disappointed seeing my tire gone after as little as 3000 km (1864 miles)
Yeah that cant be right, I live in a rural area so the roads are less than perfect around here and still got good millage from them, im down to 2mm and no sign of the steel belt showing through anywhere
Thanks for the info to compare. I've contacted the seller. Hoping for refund or discount towards the next tire. We will see tomorrow when it's Monday. Hard to prove anything since they really don't know mileage, use etc but hoping for some good customer care.
I ran a set of rosso 2 on my old gsx s1000, don’t think it made 2k miles and went from a last day out to this very quickly
I would think that 32 is a bit low for day to day road riding. You sure you haven’t done a teensy-wheensy burn-out on that?
I think the bike makes a big difference? I've been using various iterations of Rossos on my 916 and they last fairly well, currently got Rosso 3 and the rear is wearing nice and evenly. Previously had Rosso 2s and they were also good so, on that basis I tried them on my Monster and it got through the rear in half the distance that the 916 did, and down to the cords too which I've never seen on the 916. Now, maybe I ride the Monster differently? but I don't think so, or maybe it's due to the power delivery - the Monster's power is definitely more on/off and whilst it makes almost as much torque as the 916, it does so at lower RPM but, ultimately it's around 30hp down on the 916 and also a lighter bike. Maybe Rossos are more suited to smoother riding/power delivery? I've always found the 916 to be good on tyres, maybe it's just a better balanced bike?