Radar Detector

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Justatad, Jul 19, 2024.

  1. This post will no doubt get the inevitable. ‘Just stick to the speed limit’ replies, which is of course a valid point
    Anyway , I’ve been driving for 32 years, 30 of those have been prosecution free, but over the last 2 years, stupidly I’ve managed to acrue 9 penalty points ( all whilst driving the car by the way, not riding the bike ) obviously, another 3 and it’s game over
    Wondering how accurate radar detectors are , and any recommendations ? As there are lots out there to choose from
  2. Doesn’t your I phone maps tell you? Or any other decent phone app?
    Mines pretty accurate (although no use on a bike).
    Or are you talking about temp cameras/vans?
  3. No idea about radar detectors. But maybe a Sat Nav with a speed warning system may help? Garmin units have it.

    I'm curious - what do you drive?
  4. A really fast car by the sounds of it! :)

    I use Waze it’s user interactive so it’s constantly being updated by the public to inform you of an incident, police activity and such like.
    It’s saved my skin on a number of occasions.
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  5. 30 out of 32 years have been penalty free? You haven’t been trying hard enough! :p
    • Funny Funny x 3
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  6. I use Waze all the time in the van. It’s helped me avoid loads of potential fines but no good against these new mobile cameras that clock you from over a mile away.
  7. Trouble is the radar detector I had was set off by those automatic speed signs and door openers. Damn thing was always going off in built up areas.
    I understood that the camera vans are laser now so you get very little if any warning and they work at a long distance.
    You can get laser jammers but God knows the penalty if you are caught.
    I was watching one of those police camera things when the cop asked the drive along cameraman if he was picking up the number plate of the car in front as his anpr couldn't.
    Turns out the plate was legible to the eye but not cameras so that might be an idea.
    Seem to remember the driver was done for perverting the course of justice though.....
  8. Currently got mine set to the voice of Latte, preferred the Chief but he seems to have legged it off to fight some battle in a far off galaxy!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. Yeah, take your toothbrush to court if you’re caught with laser jamming kit… o_O
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  10. My understanding is that by the time a radar detector alerts you, you have already been pinged (if you are travelling above the speed limit).
    In theory, the operator decides that the target vehicle may be exceeding the speed limit and uses a laser or similar to corroborate their opinion. In practice, we all know that operators simply sit there viewing all traffic through the viewfinder regardless, record the footage and review it later knowing that very few drivers/ riders will challenge the decision.
  11. Had one many years ago. So many false alarms meant it was useless. But it did slow you down.
    Waze is a good idea, with live updates.

    I use tomtom, with " dangerous road alert" as camera warning is illegal in France.
    It warns of maybe 75% of fixed cameras, so reduces risk.
    They have movable cameras here, that look like something out of robot wars. Only warning is the generic speed camera sign, which could be for a 30km section of road..
    Imo, any long straoght section of road is a risk area generally stick to the limit in the car, that keeps "tokens" for riding the motorcycle !
  12. Save your money and use Waze. The range on Police laser devices are phenomenal. If you are super paranoid then maybe consider Target Blu eye
  13. Correct. There have been a few cases of drivers being prosecuted for attempting to pervert the course of justice for using jammers. OP was referring to detectors rather than jammers, but it’s defo worth doing a precautionary google before buying
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. You don't say if you were caught by a fixed camera or a Partnership van. Any data based warning device is only as good as the data. Most fixed camera locations are pretty well defined and by keeping your device software and data up to date should offer some warning. Software like Waze is only as good as the data being fed back by users but at least that feedback is updated virtually live, if you believe the advertising. Andy
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  15. I’ve heard of lads being pinged by speed detection laser and immediately removing detection/jamming kit when they get home. Because if plod come knocking (and they do) and find said jamming kit, you’re in a world of shit… :astonished:
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  16. There was a memorable case a few years back where a guy in a Range Rover was using one and in order to further rub the rozzers’ noses in it, he gave the camera the finger every time he passed it. Error. They tracked him down and IIRC, he got about 8 months custody :astonished::laughing:

    Edit: https://www.gazettelive.co.uk/news/teesside-news/company-boss-used-laser-jammer-14566209
    #16 Zhed46, Jul 22, 2024
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2024
  17. I got ‘flashed’ many times in France possibly upwards of 15 mostly in the Alps, I was in a hurry though…..
  18. I understand that it is not illegal to have an automatic garage door opener fitted to a vehicle that opens the door when the vehicle approaches. They may also have the effect of upsetting laser speed detection equipment.
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  19. Just make sure you DO have an auto garage door.....;);)
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