Pets Corner

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Pixie1276, Aug 19, 2012.

  1. Apology accepted and I’ve deleted my comment. Thank you for your kind words
    #3321 Rushjob, Jul 20, 2024
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 20, 2024
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  2. @Ducbird any chance you can filter my comments out of the quotes please? Thanks. Shit day today.
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  3. I have had a little tidy up of the last couple of posts.
    Thanks for your understanding of those I tidied up

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  4. Sorry to hear of your loss. [
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  5. Tess :cool: upload_2024-7-22_10-59-41.jpeg
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  6. Kenny had his xrays and Cat Scans at Davies Vet Specialists today (who to be fair were brilliant).

    He has elbow dysplacia on both front elbows (a common spaniel thing and likely built up since a very young age), a fissure on both elbows that they suspect has caused the fracture on his left front elbow.

    The fissure on the right has put an immediate stop to any amputation thoughts on the left leg for now as we dont know if it would "hold up" supporting his body weight and might fracture too.

    He's having a bolt put into both elbows on Wednesday, two days over night at Davies, then 8 weeks of being caged/recuperation :( Expected to have some "lame-ness" for the rest of his life going forwards but they wont know how much until they do the op and ascertain how well they can puit everything back together.

    They said my vet let me down as they should have referred him as an emergency three weeks ago and its likely that stuff has started healing badly/incorrectly already. I will be taking that up with them at a later date.

    Thankfully my M&D have agreed to take him for the first part of his recovery to keep him away from my other two and any possible excitement/infection etc..which is a massive relief tbh.

    6 hours on the road today (there and back twice).
    £1930 bill for the ct scans
    £7500 for the ops
    £500 for further xrays once the recovery period has finished.

    Im fucking drained.:sob:
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  7. Fkn hell. Obviously the expense is horrendous but great news that it seems to be operable.

    I worry a lot about this sort of thing because every time I let Iggy go out in the yard, which is on two levels, he likes to jump down from a c.6ft high wall onto the paved pathway. Obviously, with him not being a cat, that’s a big drop and he doesn’t always land cleanly. On top of that, whenever I or one of my sons returns home, he charges around the house and yard at full pelt but never leaves himself enough braking distance before he hits walls and doors. His leg bones feel like iron bars though, maybe as a result of all the goats milk he drinks, but I do worry that one day he’s going to break or dislocate something important and expensive to repair.

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  8. Everything has gone through my mind mate from going too mad over the fields as a pup to wood floors indoors that he has no grip on.
    I think the dubious blood line shall we say from where i got him is the more likely cause, but you cant beat yourself up about it.

    I do think they make costs up as they go along though, I asked how much an amputation would be (even though it wasnt going to be an immediate option) and after consulting the computer she said the same as the two ops on his leg. Just, how? :sob:
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  9. IMG_0867.jpeg Exactly ^^^^^^ why we have insurance. It’s unobtainable money for most to pay for their pets to get surgery etc.

    My little man has hit over 16kg now, as big as my lads sproker and his adult cocker, 8 month old and started a little bit of the teenage tantrums on occasion
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  10. Sorry to hear the news @Red899 , life changing impact for the little guy so never nice news. Keep us updated
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  11. So Kenny was supposed to be having both his ops today. I was up at 5 am to walk my other dogs, left my house at 7am in the car, dropped his post op stuff at my mums, drove an hour and a half to the specialists and they told me the surgeon was off sick and they couldn’t do his op . Not even a phone call. Im so pissed off ha.

    The guy who spoke to me when i got there said he could do it but "wasnt a specialist" hahahaha yeh ok mate you crack on :thinkingface:

    This is on top of dropping him off Monday for his scans asking the specialist "how long do you need him i dont want to drive 90 minutes home and get a phone call to say hes ready to be picked up" - which is exactly what happened.

    Absolutely torturous drive through middle england rush hour on the way back and i havent even had a missed call to apologise or re-schedule him.

    Fucking vets :poop::poop::poop::poop::poop:
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  12. That's just poor form.

    To fuck you about like that and not have the consideration to keep you informed so as not to waste your time. On top of what must be a very anxious time for you and Kenny.

    I hope a suitable blocking has been dished out.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  13. I had to walk out before i started getting sweary and got Kenny banned.
    Have just stuck something on their feedback section of their website though.
  14. FFS mate. What a bunch of see you next tuesdays.

    I know you have a bee in your bonnet about vets, but it's everyone and every business. I have a few theories about why it seems that laziness, inattention to detail and incompetence is becoming the norm, but in summary, I think it's due to increased self-importance/narcissism which tends to impact negatively on conscientiousness and a sense of duty, the corrosive effect of the internet/social media on attention spans, the sheer volume of information and distractions competing for people's attention and an employment market where workers feel disposable.

    As a rule I no longer ask more than two questions or ask for more than two pieces of information per email, simply because I've worked out that most people don't have the concentration span to read that far down, so I'll only get a partial response and will need to repeat the request. And my client care letter has a section on the second page with the heading, in red, bold, underlined capital letters: "VERY IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ", under which it says, "Only send me documents as a single paginated bundle in PDF format. Do not send me multiple emails with multiple attachments or I will delete them and this will cause additional delay and expense, for which you will be liable at my usual hourly rate." Yet, despite that, I reckon that approx 80% of the time, within 24 hours of signing, I will get spammed with multiple emails with multiple attachments. One client recently sent me 71 emails with 131 attachments, most of which were photos of single pages.
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  15. Well done for staying calm @Red899 - good to have the longer term view of importance of getting the job done right for Kenny as priority, the fallout comes later. Sorry to hear though, the build up is worse for us humans I think so to be let down last minute is as Zhed put it makes them a bunch see you next Tuesday's at best
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  16. I just managed to speak to them without losing it and she was utterly oblivious to the time and stress theyve caused this week. I said to her it leaves a nasty taste in the mouth when im handing over 10 grand to you at the end of the week and you could tell she was biting her lip wanting to defend themselves but refrained.

    If i didnt know i would be getting another 2 grand consultancy bill if i go elsewhere before we even start, i would have done so on the spot.....TWATS.

    Hes booked in for next Monday after a very *short exchange, another 5 days of pain for the most important "person" in all this.
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  17. Kennys been in surgery all day getting his elbows pinned. I havent had an update yet but I have had this lol

    • WTF WTF x 2
  18. Once his recovery period has finished (8 weeks currently) he’ll need more £500 X-rays to see how it’s healed.
    I was just telling my mum I got a BOGOF too.
    It’s usually 7,5k per elbow but they decided as I didn’t have insurance and they could do both at the same time they’d do it for the one price.
    Nice but reinforces your belief that they make it up as they go along.
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  19. Hope all goes well
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  20. Good luck mate,hope all goes well with Kenny.
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