Anyone Going To World Ducati Week

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by DJan, Mar 7, 2024.

  1. Hiya,

    Anyone going to WDW this year in July ??
    I work at Ducati Manchester and we have a group traveling and staying over to celebrate the event.
    If you’re going, then message me as it would be great to meet up and say hello.

    Its going to be a mental weekend. :motorcycleduc::heart_eyes:
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  2. Yes I am. Taking the bike/s down in a van though (see my thread "WDW Route To Misano") for more info.
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  3. Just booked and paid for the WDW tickets this morning:upyeah:

    I’ll see you at the airport ;)
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  4. Thats one of my bucket list things to id afford it ive no idea..!
  5. I cant seem to find the link to purchase the tickets only a third party site so thought I would check with you first as I'm always cautious if its not through the official site.
  6. Anyone riding there?? ;)
  7. Lucky GITS

    Enjoy :upyeah:
  8. Cant make it this year but hope to get there in 25
  9. You'll find it a little empty then! The next one is in 26 :D
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. After the heat of riding there a couple of years ago, fuck that!
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  11. Tickets booked! Still not sure if the missus is coming along. If not I'm flying solo down to Misano.
  12. Yes….did that the first time. Never again. Flying in, and taxis all the way for me :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. First time I went with the missus was in 2016 and it was categorically roasting. We literally dragged ourselves from one cooling spray mist booth to the next one. Rode there a few years earlier and one of our group got heatstroke on the motorway on a black 996SPS with black leathers and was weaving violently from left to right, imminently about to lose control. We just about made it to the slip road before sitting him under the shade of a tree and dousing him in water. 5 mins later and it could have been a completely different scenario.
  14. So I've planned my route. Norfolk to Reims. Overnight stop then onto Lake Lucerne for the night the next day, then on the third day, off to Riccione. On the way back I am heading to Basel for one night then Reims again for the last overnight stop, before the final blast back to Norfolk on the last day. Should, I hope, be fairly civilized. I have tried to split the journey into 300-400 mile chunks each day, which should make it much more pleasurable in a van.
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  15. If anyone fancies meeting up then please message me. I am going on my own as my daughter is currently over from New Zealand for a few more weeks so the missus is staying behind for the duration. I am leaviing on Tuesday morning with the bike in a van (ridden down to the event many times before in 2000, 2002 and 2018 so I have opted for the easier option as I did in 2016). I am riding in the Parata on the Friday night which is always a "must do" part of the weekend. Total madness on the streets around Cattolica, but a sight you rarely get to experience on such a scale.
  16. I'll be at the Dolce Vita in Misano Adriatico on Friday night :)
  17. Never tried that restaurant. Heard good things about it. In two minds as to whether to go the BBQ on the beach after the Friday night parade.
  18. We'll be outside in the mayhem having a drink.

    I believe you need to book months in advance to get a table in there during WDW.
  19. Thought as much. Well I just found out that the beach party and BBQ after the parade is in Riccione, which is where I am staying, so I will probably park up the bike after and head down there. I believe there is a bus service into the circuit on the Saturday night for Ducati's evening shindig. Not sure where it goes from yet.
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  20. Wandering around Riccione tonight, spotted this very well sorted Swiss registered desmo. A thing of beauty.

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