11th August at the circuit Anyone going? Is there a place for Italian bikes? Went to the Brooklands Italian day a few years ago and our bikes got parked between a couple of waste bins
i went couple of years ago there was about 8 ductatis, a few MVs, the Italian car racing was 80% flat out
I've never been to that one, but just flagging up the one in August at the Sammy Miller museum in Hampshire if anyone's interested.
In previous years, JP wasn't particularly generous to motorcycle exhibitors. If I'm going to display a bike to help please his punters, I'd expect some sort of concession. Andy
Me and a mate tried this year to exhibit my 1098 (now kaput!) and his Benelli. No slots apparently (we applied in late May), but I bet there will only be a bout 6 bikes again like last year - seems to bear your comment out @Android853sp
It used to be free to display and enter a few years ago. 100's of bikes there . Now I think a lot of the DOC branches have boycotted it as you have to pay to enter. Shame really.
I will be there hosting a box for some friends, will be in the car though. @ducati dad your ticket will be on its way soon.
Mmmm, reading all the above I’m now 50/50 as to whether a 4 hour round trip is going to be worth it. I only go to point out oil leaks to Italian sports car owners
^ best if you're going by bike, 4hrs yes, (if car? you'd better add more time, Dartford crossing is screwed both ways every Sunday IME. & most other days come to think of it)