2024 Paris Olympics

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Red899, Jul 23, 2024.

  1. My interest perked up when l heard a female competitor had left the event following the release of a video of her doing something inappropriate with a horse. It turned out to be a bit of an anticlimax though.
    #21 DanSS600, Jul 24, 2024
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2024
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  2. That ^^^ was a bit odd because I thought that’s how they trained them tbh, having seen the Spanish horse dancers
  3. Everyone is acting like this is something new. Horse trainers throughout the last 50 years have been “exposed” for their cruel training practices. She got caught in one instance of what I’m sure was many more. Andy
    • Agree Agree x 2
  4. Yep ‘got caught’ key words here.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. AFAIK the vid was 2+ years ago, I doubt she changed her training tactics since. Still this has ended her competition riding permanently, so I expect she will get a commentators job at the BBC, after a stint on Strictly...
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. Sacre bleau!!!

    SNCF says it’s been a victim overnight of a "massive attack aimed at paralysing the network”.

    Fires were started at three points on TGV lines running west, north and east of Paris.

    A fourth arson attack on the line running south to Lyon and the Mediterranean was foiled.

    The result is that TGV trains are being diverted onto other lines, leading to delays of up to two hours and some cancellations.

    Repairs will not be completed until after the weekend.

    France's rail network disrupted by 'malicious acts' ahead of Olympics opening ceremony - BBC News
  7. Probably Putin since his countrymen are banned. Russia is becoming a huge threat to world security.
    • Funny Funny x 1

  8. My moneys on the hippies.
  9. I'm surprised to see something like that happen with President Macron's firm grip on the levers of power.
    #29 DanSS600, Jul 26, 2024
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2024
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  10. and i was just talking to a mate about popping over
  11. Bring back the old days I say when the likes of town planning and ice sculpture were considered likely Olympian sports
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. We had quite good fun watching the Sevens quarter finals yesterday. Apparently almost 70.000 people in the Stade de France. I am amazed at how quickly rugby’s popularity is increasing in France. In comparison, football games feel so dull and boring…

    Semi-finals tomorrow: The Boks look strong. Revenge is on though!
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  13. last time we see any equestrian events at the Olympics I reckon
  14. French secret police arrested a Russian suspect last week I believe.
    Putin is the sort of Cnut to do stuff like that. He’s got much of Europe’s right wing as putty in his hands.
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  15. It’s a very murky business. If the whistleblower was so concerned about animal welfare then why did she wait 4 years before going public, during which time no doubt many other horses were being mistreated?

    And today, another competitor (a German guy, ranked #3) is being accused of training horses to jump higher by lifting the bar as they clear the fence in order to rap their shins.

    Anyone who thinks that this sort of thing doesn’t go on all the time is very naive as horsey type country folk tend to be very much of the “tough love” school of thought when it comes to training animals. Thoroughbred horses can be incredibly hard headed, so anyone who thinks you can get them to perform unnatural actions by positive persuasion alone is living in cloud cuckoo land.
    • Agree Agree x 5
  16. Known as horrible tory c*nts and bullies in our neck of the woods.
  17. Like all bikers are yobs. Usual sweeping generalisation :rolleyes:
    • Agree Agree x 2
  18. I don’t like any sport that uses animals as entertainment, no offence.
  19. I seem to remember back in the 60's and 70's stories of trainers of showjumpers nailing hedgehog skins along the top pole of jumps to make the horses lift their legs higher...
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. You only have to look at that creepy dressage event.
    You telling me all they do is ask the horses nicely to prance around like tits lol?
    • Funny Funny x 1
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