Ok Fight Fans - Best Ever Boxing Punch?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Andy Bee, Aug 22, 2022.

  1. Yeah... I recall a conversation with Zhed on this very thread a little while ago were we came to the same conclusion... the trilogy appears to be a Damascene moment for both of them and they now don't need the 'validation' of being a prize fighter.

    Can't say I've watched a great deal of Dubois... could it be the other way round, the gladiatorial instinct is greater than the skills... ?
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  2. Dubois has quit a couple of times when it gets tough. Joyce and Usyk spring to mind. Not saying I’d do any better myself it’s just that quite often boxers have to be saved from themselves by the referee. But this isn’t the case with Dubois…
  3. Yep. Wilder was already finished when he fought Parker. He was all over place, both physically (kept tripping up over his own feet and barely threw a punch) and mentally (made a strange post-fight speech about finding himself when on an ayahuasca trip).
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Just watched the Fury v Usyk fight and it was a cracker... some random thoughts.

    Usyk deserved the win for his front foot aggression, better/cleaner punches landed & persistent work load.
    Fury never fully came to terms with Usyk's sweeping lefts.
    Usyk managed to get inside & under Fury's leads to land those lefts. It didn't help that Fury holds his right low and/or across his chest.
    Fury never followed up when he caught Usyk a couple of times. Not sure if he prefers the other guy to come towards him.
    Both guys were well conditioned for the fight... Usyk digs real deep & seemingly has unlimited strength & Fury only looked tired after his near knock down. And how he recovered from that lord only knows.
    What was Fury's showboating all about? don't like to see it. His boxing could easily do all the talking.
    The fight turned on the round where Usyk stepped up after being closed out for 3 or 4 rounds and caught, stunned & bloodied Fury with a familiar sweeping left and right combo.... round 7 perhaps?

    As I say a cracking fight & a fair result imo.
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  5. Well I guess this finishes Joyce’s career. Maybe not a bad thing. These two block far too many punches with their heads!

  6. That pair of geriatric puddings are the reason why boxings on its arse (amongst many). Dennis McCann put on a bruising display though.

    UFC Manchester was where it was at last night/this morning although pretty shit they had edwards fighting at 6am in his own country. Palestine has a new world champion as a result

    Heyho at least Paddy won, and in some style. Got to love that kids energy.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  7. Quality it's not but strangely watchable all the same... it's like watching a 5-4 game in the Isthmian League.

    And no worse for it imo with all the things I like to see, heart, desire & honesty on show. No less distasteful than the multi million pound glamour shows and attendant hype & grasping promoters.

    Caviar, blinis & champers or roe, chips & Stella - both as tasty as each other when the occasion demands :D
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. 13 defeats at heavyweight and he gets to top the bill lol. Can’t think of a single day that would happen in ufc.

    I get the respect thing but the actual boxing thing is proper shit.

    Each to their own of course.
  9. Chisora’s last fight, when he decked that Deliveroo rider with a head butt, was an absolute belter!

    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. ‘Civvies’ should never, ever fuck with these guys. They are all double hard mofos…
  11. What an unsavoury dude he is!
  12. Do you know the backstory to it?

    According to witnesses, the Deliveroo rider was speeding through a pedestrianised area with lots of kids around, including Chisora’s. He challenged him and asked him to dismount and walk and an altercation ensued. As you can see from the video, the Deliveroo guy takes a couple of swings at Chisora, which he ignores and then he makes a grab for him, which is met by a headbutt. It looks a lot like a case of “fuck around and find out” to me
  13. The backstory to Chisora, by quite a few people, is that he is an unsavoury dude…full stop!



    I don’t know, maybe your standards are just lower ?
  14. I quite like Chisora. He’s done some cringy stuff over the years- like spitting water in Klitsko’s face o_O but by and large I think he’s okay. You have to remember what these guys are and where they’ve come from.
  15. I don’t know. Maybe I assumed you were referring to his behaviour in the video?:rolleyes:
  16. No, I was referring to the man in general.

    Not someone that I would hold in high regard.
  17. UFC is ok, but there's a bit too much hugging and rolling around on the floor where you can't really see what's going on for my liking. It was much better back in the days when they had no weight classes, no clothing regulations and almost no rules. Nowadays, everyone has more or less the same skillset, with a bit of kickboxing, a bit of ju jitsu and a bit of wrestling (albeit in varying proportions), whereas back then it was like a computer game where you'd get some 10st karate guy in a gi fighting a sumo wrestler in a nappy.
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    • Funny Funny x 1

  18. Explain to me how the rules differ now apart from theyre required to wear (a form of) glove and they have judges for close fights? (and a weight class which is just simple from a safety sense)..
  19. IIRC, in the early days the only rules were no eye gouging, no groin strikes and no biting. They also fought to KO or submission and I’m not sure if there were even any rounds or a time limit. Not having weight classes made for interesting match ups of the kind I mentioned in my last comment and in those days fighters tended to have one specialism rather than them all mastering broadly the same mix of styles, as they do now.
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