Removing Carbon Engine Or Frame Covers

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Expat Jack, Aug 8, 2024.

  1. image.jpg image.jpg My Striple has R&G carbon clutch and genny covers fitted by previous owner. I’d like to get shot of them but am a bit concerned it’s going to be a pig of a job. Has anyone got actual experience of doing this (I’ve taken carbon off tanks etc but never an engine cover and I kinda know what I’m doing) that can provide some real life experience rather than “you could try …” kind of thing. I’m pretty sure it’s be stuck down with silicon.
    #1 Expat Jack, Aug 8, 2024
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2024
  2. Just add heat don’t you, make the glue pliable? May discolour the carbon….whey do you want to remove?
  3. Edit just looked at the pics more close;y. Are they not bolted on all regular R&G?
  4. The R&G web site leads you to think it’s bolted but I’m not sure. My guess is double sided sticky pads like the Ducati carbon cover. Andy
  5. They are stuck on. R&G supply aquarium silicon to fix them on.
  6. What's a Striple?
  7. Street triple
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  8. A man with three nipples
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  9. scaramanga?
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  10. Just off. And more importantly not damaging cases below.
  11. Once unbolted a long blade modellers knife would cut through silicone in a heartbeat.


    Though perhaps a cheese wire (garrote) would be better?

    download (1).jpeg
  12. @Jez900ie is not far off with cheese wire but dental floss or dental tape will be kinder to the engine casing whilst also cutting through the silicon and also being easier to work under the covers. I’d apply silicon remover first though, WD40 does work but others such as Liqui-Moly have a purpose built sealant remover for engines.
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  13. Yup. I’ve used dental floss on fork leg reflectors stuck with 3M tape before. That is my current plan.
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  14. Maybe fishing line? Nice and flexible and thin enough to slice through silicone without damaging the finish on the covers underneath.
    Think it will be an arsehole job what ever method you go for.
  15. Exactly Hugh. I’m trying to balance the benefit to pain ratio. Currently I’m thinking just leave them on.
  16. Yep, they're looking better by the day!
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  17. Easiest with least pain would be to buy a new set of cases and flog the C&G covered cases to someone who likes that kind of thing.
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  18. this
  19. This:-

    • Funny Funny x 1
  20. You may find that someone else with a Triumph may like the engine case guards and is willing to come to an arrangement?
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