Borough Council Ban On More Than 2 Motorcycles Riding Together? Unbelievable!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Todders, Sep 4, 2024.

  1. Thank you very much Ducbird!

    Residents and other stakeholders are
    being asked for their views on plans to prohibit car cruising in public places across Newcastle-under-Lyme for a three-year period.

    "The proposed order – the first of its type in the borough – prohibits any meeting of two or more motor vehicles, including motorbikes, on local roads or public spaces at all times where any such vehicle or occupant engages in any behaviour considered to be car cruising, including the following specific activities:"

    • Causing a danger to other road users, including pedestrians, or a significant risk of damage to property by either speeding or racing.
    • Driving in convoy.
    • Performing stunts.
    • Repeatedly sounding horns.
    • Playing music excessively loud.
    • Using foul or abusive language.
    • Using threatening, intimidating behaviour towards another person.
    • Obstructing a public highway, or public place, whether moving or stationary.
    • Promoting, organising or publicising car cruising, via e-mail, the internet, Facebook, X or similar social media, or any publication or broadcast.
    #22 Ducbird, Sep 4, 2024
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2024
  3. So, are there any regular, big congregations of motorcycles in Newcastle-under-Lyme ? Andy
  4. Probably given you have DK Motorcycles and other bike shops in that area, not to mention the showground stuff not far up the road.
  5. And to add you and you IAM will be included in this. You’ll be restricted to max 1 rider, 1 observer. No organised ride can go through there?? What about general traffic?! Given Starmer is imprisoning protesters for being at the ‘wrong’ protests it’s clear there’s more to come. We are so close to the end of society freedoms.
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  6. So actually factually true then.
  7. It's antisocial behaviour from car cruising that's being targeted in certain areas that are highlighted on a map for the consultation
    IAM isn't anti social behaviour
    There is a list of what anti social behaviour is in one of my posts
  8. I’ve been typing for ages and Viv says it all, in 4 lines ! :mad: :joy: :D Andy
    • Funny Funny x 3
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  9. If you believe that then I’m afraid it’s incredibly naive. They are trying to use anti terror laws for all sorts of stuff at the mo and stuff like this will be used to control all sorts of things other than its intended purpose. Reading the doc, it’s far, far more reaching than just that… 3 guys chatting over a coffee and making too much noise could end in a fine.

    As the old saying goes in order to promote tyranny good people need just do nothing.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  10. Alas she’s wrong. And anyone who thinks different really isn’t taking note of what’s happening these days.
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  11. Hey Andy.
    I'm not many miles away from Newcastle-under-Lyme and I haven't seen or heard ANY stories of there being a problem with groups of motorcycles racing around in town.
    That said, there are a quite a few VERY loud cars hammering around the area. Not just Corsa's... proper high performance sportscars as well. But I think that's like most places now.

    P.S. DK Motorcycles doesn’t seem a problem, most bikers that visit are very respectful of the local roads.
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  12. Taken from the proposal

    "Attending any meeting of two or more vehicles in a public space either as a vehicle owner, driver, passenger or spectator and engaging in any activity that a reasonable person would consider to be 'car cruising'

    I don't think having coffee and making a noise is car cruising
  13. Its in MCN....has to be true......
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  14. Excerpt from text… so if just ‘car cruising’ (what is the definition???! Can’t see that anywhere) why mention bikes? Using foul language? A reasonable person consider car cruising?

    The effect of the Order is to restrict persons within the highlighted area from
    carrying out the following Prohibited Activities, at all times.
    1. To participate in ‘Car Cruising’ anywhere in the geographical area within
    Newcastle-under-Lyme as outlined in the map named Annex A. Participating in
    ‘Car Cruising’ means being the registered keeper or driver of, or being carried in
    or on a motor vehicle, when two or more vehicles (including motorbikes) being
    on a highway, or a publicly accessible place, at which any such vehicle, or
    occupant of a vehicle, performs any of the activities listed in the Schedule below.
    SCHEDULE: The prohibited activities referred to in Clause 1 are:
    a. Causing a danger to other road users including pedestrians or causing a
    significant risk of damage to property by either speeding or racing.
    b. Driving in convoy while car cruising
    c. Performing stunts while car cruising
    Classification: NULBC UNCLASSIFIED
    Classification: NULBC UNCLASSIFIED
    d. Repeatedly sounding horns (as to cause a significant public nuisance)
    e. Playing music excessively loud (as to cause a significant public nuisance)
    f. Using foul or abusive language
    g. Using threatening, intimidating behaviour towards another person, or
    h. Causing an obstruction on a public highway, or a publicly accessible place,
    whether moving or stationary.
    2. To promote, organise or publicise, via email, the internet, Facebook, Twitter or
    similar social media, or any publication or broadcast any ‘car cruising’ within the
    defined geographical area (as delineated on the map on Annex A).
    3. Attending any meeting of two or more vehicles in a public space either as a
    vehicle owner, driver, passenger or spectator and engaging in any activity that a
    reasonable person would consider to be ‘car cruising’.
  15. Worth noting ‘promoting’ also an offence. So you post something here about a meet up, it triggers one of the conditions and they come knocking on your door….
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  16. All this talk of Cruising, now I feel like I'm missing out on something!
    Perhaps I should visit one!
  17. Whew does cruising stop and crawling start ;)
  18. There’s one way to find out!
    • Funny Funny x 1
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