1098 Cannot Cancel Error Code

Discussion in '848 / 1098 / 1198' started by RAY WYNN, Sep 2, 2024.

  1. i have an electrical problem with my 1098s 2007. its one of two connectors that were covered in oil from a previous oil leak which i fixed. one is the side stand and i dont know what the other one is for but it has 3 wires on each connector, they are very close to each other. error can 38.0 is on the dash but when i search for CODE to cancel the error, i cannot access it. i have batt 12.3,RPM,LAP OFF,LAP nen,USB off,erase USB,TIME set and error CAN 38.0. the other strange thing is the neutral light is not on. the handbook says to hold down for 3 seconds at error but nothing happens. i have checked the fuses and they are ok. is it possible that it could have damaged one of the relays beside the battery/rectifier ?
  2. 12.3v is low. Could be battery related.
    Have you been unbolting the ECU? Did you replace the earth fly lead that goes under one of the ECU bolts?
  3. its a new lithium battery,its low because i have had the ignition on and off quite a few times. i will check the earth fly lead. the problem is the fried connector that goes into the engine beside the waterpump and the rectifier. i will cut this out and renew and hopefully this will solve the problem with accessing the code to reset the error. i have a spare loom from a 2011 multistrada so i replaced one piece of the sidestand connector. unfortunately there are no connectors on the loom with 3 wires so i will just have to use single ones.

  4. That looks like the output wires from the generator into the regulator/rectifier and they are fried. Most commonly due to reg/rec failure which, on a 2007 1098 isn’t uncommon. If you have retained the OEM reg/rec, I wouldn’t be fitting a lithium polymer chemistry battery, if the reg/rec fails again, the battery will self combust. Lots of information on here about MOSFET reg/recs which Ducati went to from about 2010/2011. Andy
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  5. the rectifier was replaced and a heat shield through a recall on the 2007 models about 2015 so hopefully its a newer reg/rec. surely the problem was the wires being bare and covered in oil
  6. found the old rectifier and fitted it,but still have the same problem .it was in working order before i changed it. i cannot cancel the error code and no neutral light. does it matter how i connect the 6 wires back together ?
  7. just double checking, MOSFET say not to use a lithium battery with their reg/rec and you are saying not to use a lithium battery with the OEM reg/rec. i am sure the reg/rec that ducati gave me for the recall was a OEM , SH579EA----G6.D 261F. looks like i will have to fit another battery, non lithium, to try and get rid of the error message.
  8. Fit a new regrec and replace as much of that damaged wiring too
  9. i,ve done both already. next step is a new battery
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  10. before i buy a non lithium battery and a mosfet reg/rec, i have fitted another battery and reg/rec and i still cannot access CODE to override the error message. the battery and reg/rec are in good working order. i have checked the fuse box and the main fuse just in front of the battery and replaced both relays at the rear of the battery. have i missed any relays or fuses out and does it matter which way the 3 yellow and 3 brown are connected from the generator to the reg/rec ?. as in the photo attached.
  11. It’s not possible to clear an error code via the dash. If there is an error, then the code is displayed as you have found. If the error is resolved, then it will clear itself and be held in memory on the ecu.
    The only way to clear it from the ecu, is via a diagnostic tool.
    For what it’s worth, I can’t see the reg/rec connector throwing an error.
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  12. i had to cut it out, both the brown wires and the inside of the connector looked bad. i,ve misread the handbook then. just hope a new rec/reg and battery will help. cheers
  14. I’ll try again…

    IIRC there’s a third relay lurking near the battery?
  15. as you look at the battery is it to the left or right. the two that i mentioned are to the right. thanks
  16. I can’t be certain (I sold the bike a couple of years ago). I do seem to remember that it was a bit hard to find! If I find anything on the laptop I’ll let you know.
  17. cheers
  18. The relays to the right of the battery box are the ones you need. Actually it is the rear most relay. The front relay is for the fans and the rear for the coils/injectors/pump.
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  19. fitted new battery and mosfet reg/rec and the mechanic put diagnostics onto the bike. it said that there is a power outage, so i will have to check everything until the fault is found. at the moment the fuel pump and neutral light does not come on. i will probably start with the stator seen as the connector to the reg/rec from the stator was fried. photo attached, above.
  20. Did the diagnostic tool not inform as to where the short circuit or open circuit may be?

    Also was the diagnostic tool showing a current and active fault or a memorised one?
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