(small) Bike Things You've Done Today

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Cream_Revenge, Nov 15, 2018.

  1. A couple of miles from Hegatmau. Made it over the Pyrenees, fabulous weather (if a cold 5⁰C start) and incredible scenery. Probably only about 160 to 170 miles today but that's nearly 600 up in the first 3 days. Bloody tired but Perageux tomorrow followed by a rest day. Andy

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  2. Managed to get home last night, usually away all week, I was like a kid on Christmas day :joy:

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  3. Ooooh, shiny... Very nice!
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  4. Arrived in Périgueux wet through having ridden through some biblical downpours. Showered and changed and enjoying a cold glass of 1664 now :D Andy
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  5. Bought a new bike :)
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  6. What have you bought?
  7. Go on, the suspense is killing us.
  8. Why don't you try telling us something that we didn't already know :joy:
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  9. Last time I said I “might” buy a new bike. Today I did. :)
  10. IMG_2127.jpeg IMG_2126.jpeg
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  11. Can’t get it in for yours :joy:
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
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  12. Smacked it's arse on the dyno. Second gear left the chat :mad:
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  13. Got to love a cassette gear box..
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  14. MOT on the MT09 , which it passed with the usual advisory for a noisy exhaust.
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  15. Badge of honour. :upyeah:
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  16. The Gixer is feeling RAMPANT :laughing:

    • Funny Funny x 3
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