My 998s.... a bike of extremes. Its either the best bike in the world on a nice A road, or the most uncomfortable bike in the world on the other bits.... #compromises #thingofbeauty
Hi and welcome aboard. They really are stunning bikes but for them to be enjoyed on the road, all the thousands of stars have be aligned. Still imo the best looking bike ever.
100%.... I only went in for a bloody summer jacket! Came out with a nice e Dainese leather jacket.... and an even nicer 988s!
Welcome to the forum. Lovely looking bike. My best mate has a 996, now on 50,000 miles. He usually accompanies me on tour, no idea how he does it without suffering.
Wow... that's impressive. Mins only 13,500 miles on it and wouldn't like to go any huge distance. Most I've done is about 100 in a day and that was enough