Would any of you guys have a pair of original Showa caps for sale. Buggered mine up changing the oil. And I did everything I could to protect them.
@Davyd I learnt the hard way that you need to buy the proper size/quality socket to do this without risking damage to a very soft metal anodized fork cap…
These guys (in France) still seem to have some in stock: https://www.sepamoto.fr/accueil/610...rche-showa-ducati-34920031c-desmoquattro.html
The link isn’t working G.. Aye I used what I thought was a really good fitting 6point socket. Taped around the cap also to protect it but alas it happened. So I thought feck it they are coming off one way or the other.
That’s strange. It does work for me, from my above post. Edit: Sorry! It says that you can’t access from your country… Tell me if you want me to order these for you. I’ll be glad to help. G
I’ve asked on a few sites if anyone has them for sale. I’ll give it a while to see how that goes. If nothing comes up I will certainly take you up on your very kind offer of help. Thanks G.
What's the going rate for a pair of caps? I have a full set of 916 forks that are really only good for spares or repairs.
Had the same problem back in 2010 and ended up buying a set of bent forks just for the anodized caps. Good luck with your search but be prepared.
Yep, that’s 107€ a piece, so 214€ for a pair, plus shipping and VAT. So probably more like 300€ for someone in the UK… Davyd, you’re in Ireland/EU, if I remember correctly ?
@countcoupe According to the website, it’s NOS. SEPA has a pretty good reputation among old school ducatistas, in France. They have some interesting/hard to find stuff every now and then. I found a NOS oil cooler for my 916 there, with all the hoses and fittings, a couple years back. I inquired about ordering a pair of these and will let you know how that goes.
So I ordered the falcom K.32 LA from Amazon that G posted a pic of then looked at the arrival time 1st April 25!!! Feck that so cancelled it,, Just came across this tool and wondered if anyone has used it is it up to the job or made of cheese.
I’ve not got my hands on any as yet Ivor, I’ve been too busy rebuilding my house which was originally built with defective bricks. Probably mica in them. G Has kindly offered to help source them in France which I really appreciate. But if a set came up here that would save a lot of hassle.sure let me know if you have them Ivor.