Newbie With Monster

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by steve hudson, Sep 16, 2024.

  1. My newest Ducati - 2001 M750 Dark - and my last one, a 900S2 30 years ago!
    Guess I just like an air cooled 2 valver....


    Ducati 900S2.jpeg
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  2. Welcome and enjoy,!
  3. Welcome into our mad house :)
  4. Nice one. Welcome
  5. Yo! do you still have the S2?
  6. Afraid not, sold it to a mate who has since passed it on. Very unergodynamic riding position but great engine, same as Mike Hailwood Replica I believe
  7. It looks it with those foot pegs set so high & back. Yeah, I believe it was essentially a tarted up last gasp of the SS/Hailwood Rep.

    I have the Darmah with the same motor but more comfortable foot peg locations... :)
  8. High pegs and a looooong tank!
    In the past, I have had several singles - Mach 3 250/350, 250 scrambler, and a 24 horas, also a 750 GT
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  9. Greetings!

    Monsters are the coolest!
  10. Yep, no fairing, brrrr
    • Funny Funny x 2
  11. I’ve just got a little fly screen for it, which may help a little!
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