X Factor.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Dec 1, 2012.

  1. Don't normally watch this stuff but I just saw some 16 year old called Tamera?

    WOW! ....what a voice.
  2. The prison officer has a better voice but isn't as pretty or as thin.
  3. I missed him / her.
  4. and thats that........sadly!
  5. It's a her........Sam Bailey. Check her out
  6. I can't believe SB can be better than the 16 year old - I mean they always put the best on last, don't they?

    Nevertheless, I'll have a look.
  7. Ha I watched it last night with the missus and don't know their names but they cracked me up. However I Mrs.O as they call her made me laugh the most. She is so honest oh I mean cruel it's hilarious.
  8. Like I said Sam has the better voice but she's not as young, thin or as pretty. And she didn't fuck up making for a bit of a story.
  9. ironing, golf, now x factor, el t sort your self out man.
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  10. Oi........ I don't do golf, right! :mad:
  11. The whole genre stinks. Just say no.
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  12. I assume one of em has got a dying grandmother?
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  13. The other half had it on. Personally I would rather play conkers with my own eyes. On that note, I am trying to catch up on all last weeks unanswered work emails rather than try and catch up in the morning and risk a work shit storm cocking up me collecting my new Panigale.
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  14. The black girl called Hannah. Dad died two years ago. Mum kicked her out. She ain't all that.
  15. Yep, same old, same old.
  16. But what you are actually doing is surfing the ducati forum, which is what I am doing when I should be doing online expenses.
  17. its my whole life simon bla bla bla , would rather watch paint dry
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  18. I 'Concur' John......if you are using the same system....how fcuking complicated can they make it when you have overseas expenses to claim added to our unrealistic spending allowances. I have mine to do but can’t face it this evening. The very long list of red emails is enough to depress me without trying to tackle Concur.
  19. Never watched it, so can't comment.
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