Dear Ducatisti, and other bikers, My name is Dan and after reading along with you all for a long time, I managed to register with your forum. I grew up with motorcycles. Motocrossing was clearly the hobby of father and son from the age of 11 and lasted until about the age of 20. Both mom and dad were main sponsors... as always. Then the road bikes became interesting. My first motorcycle was a Yamaha XT500 (1980 model). I traded it against a Graupner RC helicopter these days, I was 16 and not even having a drivers license ;-). Then after the license a Kawasaki GPZ600 Ninja (1986) was introduced, and later a Yamaha FZR 1000 Exup (1993). In between there were a few choppers together with Dad. Until my father purchased a Harley FLSTC in 1993. This HD is of course in my garage and will never leave... My red bike is parked next to this Harley, a Duc 916 (1994). The Duc is my favorite! I don't ride it very much, but I am happy to have the bike in my possession. It is the bike that I stood open-mouthed at when it was presented in 1993 at a motorcycle exhibition in Amsterdam. Surely I inserted a photo so you know what she looks like. Best regards from the Netherlands, Dan, (alias Fuelflow)
Hi Ricky, Thanks for the welcome... Have been around this forum for a long, long time, but have lost my login credentials since a decade or so. Yup, it is... Only a few little changes but all changed parts are there. She is is indeed quite nice and I think about 95% original. Screen should not be there, Agip stickers, and the Termi's and P8 chip is changed. Good thing though, they are from the same timeline/year ;-) Chain-guard was newer at time of this pic, but now replaced for a carbon with shockprotector. Oh, all rivets and fast-fasteners were replaced for gold colored ones. g'night Danny
Nice biking-life story Dan, touching about your father and his bike now in your possession. Got to love a nice 916
A great looking example, especially like the soft saddle bags they really suit the image. Welcome to the forum.
Thank you guys for the sweet words and the welcome to this madhouse @Bumpkin The old man is still there and he really likes the fact I still enjoy the bike once in a while. We have been doing the maintenance ourselves ever since the warranty was over, and this is such an easy bike for doing so. She ran about 30000km so nothing bad yet, nor anything expecting. @Carr01 yup, the bags are still so handy to have, and this is the reason there still there. Without the bags looks much better I thinkā¦