So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. I don’t like coffe so I’ll have the next best thing …… amphetamines :joy: (joke)
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  2. Well my numbers are:


    My bad cholesterol was 0.1 over 6 weeks ago and will likely now have fallen below target. The minimum time between tests allowed is 2 months -so its impossible to be certain but....

    I eat lots more fruit, no white bread, wholemeal everything, very little processed foods of any type, nothing fried except for eggs (in a drop of olive oil) and avoid salt like the plague since the end of June. No sugar unless its in something else already, plus no sweets, chocolate or crisps etc. That together with the statin seems to have worked well in my case.

    AFAIK the "Target numbers" in the diagram above are those the NHS nationally recommends.
    #91922 Jez900ie, Oct 3, 2024 at 11:38 AM
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2024 at 11:44 AM
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  3. Interesting... like you I'm pretty good wrt plenty of fruit & veg & wholemeal but unlike yourself I still have a couple of chunks of dark chocolate squares of an evening and crisps most days.

    Plus it has been known for a belly pork slice to pass my lips.... ahem.

    Those target number are much lower than the ones quoted in my test results i.e. total is <5 & not 4, LDL is <3 & not 1.8 and Non HDL is <4 & not 2.5. I wonder if these values vary dependant on health authority or perhaps on a per patient basis?
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  4. Eating healthily doesn’t mean, no sugar, nothing fried, no fat. Eating healthily is a balanced diet that fits your biome. You will find your body reacts differently to many foods, some of which will increase your insulin production some of which will boost your body function. There is a lot of bollocks spouted by self interested ‘experts’. If you have to avoid anything, UPF, genetically modified, hydrogenated, stabilisers, emulsifiers and anything artificial that ‘improves the texture in the mouth’ should be at the top of your list. If an ingredient isn’t in my store cupboard, the product gets left on the shelf. And yes, I’ve been taking Statins and blood pressure medication for 20 years. My annual medical mostly comes back with every metric in the green and I drink beer and enjoy an omnivorous diet. Andy
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  5. Its totally possible that the targets are varied I guess. I will ask at the review (which is a week on Monday) and report back.

    I'm not too sure regular pork is a big deal, and in fact I don't think eating anything occasionally including "belly pork" is an issue. Its how occasionally that becomes! All clinicians I've spoken to frown heavily about processed food, fried food, sweets and crisps. Odd to find salt and sugar are a mortal enemy, but its not hard for me to cut them -so no big deal.

    They have instilled a reduced or minimal bacon regime into my consciousness too, which is a drag. But heart failure and all that crap is a bigger drag, so nearly never bacon sarnies is the lesser of two evils to me.

    Whatever works!
    #91925 Jez900ie, Oct 3, 2024 at 1:21 PM
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2024 at 3:29 PM
  6. Agreed, though there is so much salt, sugar and fat in things we eat, that maybe some of us will benefit from limiting any more slipping down our throats. But we're all adults and can make these decisions by ourselves, for ourselves. Whats good for one is not necessarily good for another.

    I'm hoping for green blood too! LOL
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  7. today I confirmed my sanity status : – I've spent the last six weeks looking on and off online etc for a new pair of motorcycle boots as my only regular used pair are nearly worn out. Even this came as a massive surprise to me as didn't think they were that old. I just happened to be searching for some quick release connectors in the spares boxes here, and stumbled on these.. Have no idea when or where i'd bought them.

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  8. I'm onto my third pair of them...great boots! :upyeah:
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  9. Which brings home the importance of home cooking. There’s a ticking time bomb waiting in the pipeline when you see the amount of kids in McDonalds, KFC etc.
    There really should be a health warning associated with these places.
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  10. if you add this to the increasing number of kids using electric scooters, the general reference to obesity that has been constantly mentioned in the media as something we should all be aware of, is nothing compared with the levels that will almost certainly happen in the future.
    #91931 Chris, Oct 3, 2024 at 3:08 PM
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2024 at 5:29 PM
  11. Totally agree, it's the responsibility of the parents to cook well and teach the kids what real food is, and how to cook it.
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  12. [​IMG]

    I've heard that this stuff is very good for getting rid of green algae. Apparently, it does what it says on the tin as there's no need to scrub, so you just spray it on and then let the sun and the rain do the rest for you over a period of a few days to a few weeks.

    I applied it to the SS Shed on Wheels on Saturday, but it's not had much noticeable effect as yet. However, I also used some on my path and terrace flagstones, which were really green and very slippery when it rains, which has brought much faster results as the green has more or less disappeared.

    This photo shows where I missed a bit, which gives an idea of before and after.

    IMG_8699 Large.jpeg
    #91933 Zhed46, Oct 3, 2024 at 3:31 PM
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2024 at 3:38 PM
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  13. England child obesity

    Main facts and figures in 2022/3,

    21.3% of 4 to 5 year olds were overweight or living with obesity – down from 21.9% in 2014/5

    36.6% of 10 to 11 year olds were overweight or living with obesity – up from 33.2% in 2014/5

    Black African children were the most likely out of all ethnic groups to be overweight or living with obesity, among both 4 to 5 year olds (27.7%) and 10 to 11 year olds (47.7%)

    Children in the Chinese ethnic group were the least likely to be overweight or living with obesity, among both 4 to 5 year olds (11.2%) and 10 to 11 year olds (26.7%)

    Meanwhile the adults

    Main facts and figures year to November 2022

    63.8% of adults aged 18 and over were overweight or living with obesity – up by 0.5% from the previous year

    70.8% of black adults were overweight or living with obesity – the highest percentage out of all ethnic groups

    33.1% of adults from the Chinese ethnic group were overweight or living with obesity – the lowest percentage

    in the 6 years to November 2022, the percentage of white British adults who were overweight or living with obesity went up from 62.0% to 65.2% – it also went up for adults in the mixed (from 53.8% to 60.1%) and white 'other' (from 57.0% to 59.1%) ethnic groups

    the percentages were broadly similar to those from the year ending November 2016 for all other ethnic groups

    In other news, take away junk food sector records massive profits, as do illegal to use electric scooters salesmen.
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  14. If those stats are based on BMI then the figures may be wildly overstated. I'm 5'9" and 13st 10lb, which gives a BMI of 28.4 and puts me at the very top end of the "overweight" category, ie: almost "obese". This is absolute nonsense. My physique is very similar to the photo (which isn't of me btw), except I don't have freakishly short upper arms like that guy and my biceps aren't as big. I also play sport (cricket) at a decent club/league level, including fielding in positions which require speed and agility.

    According to the NHS my healthy weight range is 9st to 12st. The middle of that range is 10st 7lb. When I was about 19 I suffered an extremely serious bout of flu which left me bedridden, nigh on delirious and barely able to eat anything for several weeks. My weight dropped to around that figure and I was painfully thin, pretty much emaciated.

    #91935 Zhed46, Oct 3, 2024 at 4:16 PM
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2024 at 4:22 PM
  15. I didn't want to be inflammatory, but here in South France you just don't see obese fact rarely even overweight. It's defo cultural.
  16. As I suspected, BMI is not one size fits all across racial categories.

    "For example, defining obesity by standard measures of BMI tends to overestimate risk in black individuals and underestimate it for those of Asian descent"


    "Results: Marked race and sex differences were observed in estimated YLL. Among whites, a J- or U-shaped association was found between overweight or obesity and YLL. The optimal BMI (associated with the least YLL or greatest longevity) is approximately 23 to 25 for whites and 23 to 30 for blacks. For any given degree of overweight, younger adults generally had greater YLL than did older adults. The maximum YLL for white men aged 20 to 30 years with a severe level of obesity (BMI >45) is 13 and is 8 for white women. For men, this could represent a 22% reduction in expected remaining life span. Among black men and black women older than 60 years, overweight and moderate obesity were generally not associated with an increased YLL and only severe obesity resulted in YLL. However, blacks at younger ages with severe levels of obesity had a maximum YLL of 20 for men and 5 for women."
  17. If you look at film footage/photos of UK or US street or crowd scenes from before the 90s, there are very few fat people.
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  18. I eat and drink whatever I want, consisting of too much sweets biscuits and chocolate. Love bread and the odd fry up. Basically I just make sure I eat very healthy about 6 weeks before a blood tests and then get a good result. I fully respect people who eat extremely healthy, but I can’t resist Irish Cadbury’s chocolate!

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  19. Its not popular with Brits & Yanks then?
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