Me (mattmccabebrown) going on holiday

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by mattmccabebrown, Sep 5, 2013.

  1. Firstly I'm going to be away on holiday from this Sunday, 8th September, for a week, which means I won't have a guaranteed access to a computer.
    If you have any questions/suggestions or problems with the forum in anyway, the best bet will be to contact Rob at his [email protected] address. For some reason he doesn't get all the emails sent to his Ducati Forum address, but
    if you do have any questions for me, I will do my best to answer them when I get back, but it may take a few days so please bear with me.

    Secondly, Ive finally got around to joining the dreaded Facebook :frown: but I have made a point to make sure my profile is just about bikes, bolloxs to all the other nonsense in my life, nobody cares about that, so why advertise it. Please feel free to pop over and I believe the term is 'befriend me' :tongue:
    Here's the link
    Oh and I cant be held accountable for any drivel on my 'timeline'? No I have no idea what that really means either.

    I've posted this up like this, just to keep you guys informed. Any questions, I'll be around until Sunday morning probably :tongue:
  2. do you need a stand in moderator...

    cos you can f*ck off - dont ask me :)
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  3. and after all that work I did for you too :tongue:
  4. Any questions or if you want threads moved just pm me :smile:
  5. Thread moved to : PiƱa coladas and speedos section :)
  6. im sure I saw official 'ducati' trunks in the catalogue.
    a fancy little red lycra number to show your thumper off..
    this is so you Matt...but stay away from those bath houses:eek:
    #7 Phill, Sep 5, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2013
  7. moved to the sunburnt section.....
  8. am i the only person of voting to have never actually been on facebook?

    Will it improve my social life, or will i end up getting snooped on with all my data logged somewhere?
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  9. we av got an empty! party anyone?
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  10. youll end up with loads of pointless friends from school you never liked anyway lol. ..
    still it got me a blow job at a reunion doo :)
  11. I too am off on holiday soon.(better to go when snotty nosed kids ain't about) rules are, nobody nicks my 848 Evo, nobody robs my house, and cats don't shat on little lawn that I have... Is that too much to ask?... As per Matts remark, then have a flame party while he's gone!!!:upyeah::upyeah:
  12. Have a great time away see you when you get back
    Ps any room in your suitcase
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  13. You have to stay here and help me run this place :rolleyes:
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  14. corrected for you...
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  15. Me (mattmccabebrown) going on holiday

    Skegness in sept, nice .......
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  16. :eek: that's grim
  17. Exactly :)
  18. im with you all the way there.............awful thing!.....that facebook not you.....:wink:
  19. OOOOOhhhhhhh I can't wait to post stuff in the wrong section !!!
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