"Focused" Events

Discussion in 'Trackdays & Rider Skills' started by SimonT, Sep 5, 2013.

  1. I am not too sure what they are focused on but it certainly isn't customer care!!!

    On my last track day with them I wasn't that impressed with their attitude, or that of thier track "instructors" but thought what the hell I am having fun out on the track.

    Given the issues with sound testing and the pani I thought I would check with them before booking - 3 emails over a week with no response so I give them a call.

    I get put through to some barrow boy (manager or owner not sure) with a maasive attitude basically saying its nothing to do with them its the track. I get that but was trying to establish from thier experience at which tracks do they find panis pass and at which there is no chance. Attitude continued at which point we called it a day.

    By comparison Club MSV replied the same day with the required information and added that they (and the tracks) recognise there is an issue with the static tests so test pani's with a drive by test.

    I know who I am booking my track days with in the future..........
  2. They're not called Fucked-up Events for nothing.
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  3. To be fair, I've been dealing with a chap there called Michael who has been really helpful. He quickly dealt with my request to be upgraded from a 'track only' booking for Mugello to a full booking with bike shipping and hotel when space became available. He also stayed late at work last night and helped me drop off my bike and gear with them because the planned drop-off this Saturday is impossible for me. At least one of the FE team understands customer service :)
    #3 Dave, Sep 5, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2013
  4. Are they owned by BT? :rolleyes:
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  5. Big Twat?
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  6. Must admit I have never had an issue with them at all
  7. Yeah that's them :tongue:
  8. seen lots of Pani's at Brands and Silverstone so they must be ok for noise there....
  9. I have had lots of dealings with Kev Heally from FE, he sometimes comes across as a bit of a twat but if you approach/speak to him in a manner that you'd expect to be spoken to he really will do all he can for you. Their website states the noise limit which is dictated by the circuit from their side of things that's all hey need to do surely?
  10. Which is what I did. All I wanted to know was in his experiance was my pani likely to pass or fail a sound test. If it were my business I would do all I could to get the maximum number of customers - but what do I know...
  11. Then I'd have called the circuit as its their noise testing and they are at the circuit at every event. Focused have ops managers who work different circuits so no one person is at all events. From personal experience if it helps I've seen Pantygirdles at Silverstone and Donny on a noisy day.
  12. So the guys who run hundreds of track days have no idea which are the problem bikes...customer is always right, eh ;-)
  13. Not sure if you are saying you are surprised that FE dont know or if you are saying that I am out of order for expecting them to know?

    As you say they run hundreds of track days - they must have some knowledge/experience of how many panis fail/pass and which tracks are the problems.
  14. If I were runnng a business which had a 100% compliance rule of any form, I'd have a database knowing where the problems are and also how they can, where the can, be overcome. Seems simple business practice to me
  15. i was chatting to one of the guys from NL after a few pints (i'm not going to say who) and the general consensus with them is that Panis are a royal pain in the arse. its not Panis as such its the fact that as soon as someone else who has failed a static sound test sees one on track they kick up a royal fuss about being allowed to try a ride by sound test because the read that they are tested differently in MCN...

    I have only had good experiences of Focused, Kev can come across as a bit of an arse but in my experience he has been incredibly helpful to total strangers.
  16. It must have been his time of the month......

    On the other hand Club MSV said they know statics are a problem so offer all panis a chance at the drive by.
  17. I've gotta be honest I love focused events track days, Barry who runs the days is a legend, love his line about 'riding like a knob' :)

    they've always been really helpful to me and in general the days are alway ran smoothly.

    I hear what your saying about just calling up to see if they think your Pani would pass but you have to bare in mind these guys have 1000's of different bikes go on track per year and technically the guys in the office probably wouldn't know how many have failed or passed.

    Each bike is also different as if you've ran your bike/exhaust hotter and the packing has started to glass up it'll be louder so they can't really guarantee anything. Under slung exhausts like those on the RC8 & Pani are more likely to need repacking more regularly.

    Additionally how are they to know your not the kind of guy to start finger pointing and asking for money back when your particular pani fails? They say 'it should be fine' then you get black flagged for triggering the fly by and start kicking off.

    Not saying you would but as Drinky says it really is down to the circuits and out of FE's hands.

    The guy at Snetterton is notorious for example of blowing hot n cold, he could be lenient one day and the next you've got no chance.

    Donington have 'Fiz' who sits in the control tower and her system is directly linked with the local council, if her system trips so many times a day on a 98db day the council can shut the day down remotely as they can see they noise violations remotely, FE lose and so do the customers, nothing can be done about it.

    im afraid nowadays if you want to do lots of track days your much better off having a bike that makes 98db or less, very sad but almost a requirement if we want to keep tracks open.

    Best bet with a Panigale IMO is to only attempt 105db or no limits days and get some bloody good baffles, maybe invest in a db tester.

    Unfortunately they're not track friendly bikes in the uk due to the noise police
  18. My experience isn't good, although I've not been on a trackday for a few years now I've always done my best to avoid FE and by the sounds of it my issues still exist
  19. I was only after an indication - I know its my risk but as the organiser they must surley have some idea?

    It was the lack of response to three emails over a week, previous experience and pretty rude and stroppy guy on the telephone that cemented my view. I'm glad a lot of you have had no problems but I can only go on my experience.
  20. My point still stands. I've spent my working life in sales, and consider my job to pre-empt customer issues and concerns and satisfy those concerns before they arise. When I used to work in carpets, not IN carpets ET ;) , although we didnt do a lot of the prep we knew if people bought certain products prep was needed or suitability was suspect so something had to happen before. And we had thousands of products...its not hard ;-)
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