thats fair enough bud and do see your point, its a pity it happened to tarnish your view im just trying to balance it out a tad as you get a few on TDR forum who love nothing more than to moan about FE as well, the problem is that in a lot of cases (not all) some of those moaning are the type that treat trackdays like ACU testing or race practice, its not what FE are about. I guess the noise issue is the biggest problem to face all race tracks in the Uk at the moment, personally I'm not happy about it but I'd rather play by the rules because I love my track days and would be gutted if more tracks start to fold like Mallory.
Its not just taking money, its making sure you do all you can to have a good customer experience. This means going he extra mile. Sounds like they don't
But everybody's different Bradders and I got no issue with them. yes they could've responded quicker but if they can't answer his question what else can they do? FE don't own the tracks so again noise testing is 100% out of their hands, SimonT got a different response from MSV but that's because they own the tracks, I can tell you for nothing the MsV employee at Snetterton who actually noise tests you is well known to be a massive pain in the ass. its just one of those things, whoever answered the phone wasn't on his game but equally its a question he can't really help with or take responsibility for. You buy the bike, you buy the exhaust, its up to you to know what your running at IMO
I've had good and bad days with FE. Like the op they've never replied to any email I've sent them when I was trying to book a Spain trip. Some days have been run really well some not. To the op's point though, you think hiring out 1199's they'd know which tracks they can use them on and those they can't. When I did brands with them I asked how they faired with noise testing and the answer was "not well"
Damo you're missing my point FE cant influence the tracks, I think that's acepted, but they should be able to give a punter a steer on, eg a gsxr750 post MY10 will likely fail with a standard exhaust. Rather than say 'its not my fault guv, but give me your cash anyway (although I know it will fail) and no refunds' which is how it apears they are not alone in this btw
Why didn't you just say that i tell you what though, from what I've read and heard so far I simply wouldn't bother with a panigale in the uk if you intend to freely attend trackdays, its a bit shit but unfortunately the way it seems to be. Simply not enough circuits will let you on so what's the point.
Couldnt agree more. My gixer faaaasssaaand passed Snet easy on 102db day with dull race system, has a long can so muffles everything. Reckon those long Jappy jobs would do the trick ;-) wonder how fireblades pass, given 'prilias also struggle as do RC8s
Oh how this thread has made me chuckle ......... Just about to bbok c15-16 people onto our next Euro jaunt, and it won't be with this lot !!!
Put it this way. If you wanted to buy a widget and asked the salesman if it will work and he says "dunno mate". You then say you have sold thousands of them what feedback have you received and he says "not my issue mate - phone the manufacturer" you then say surely you must have some idea and he says "not my issue - yours". You then go into the shop next door and they explain it all in a friendly way. Where would you buy your widget from?
Aren't widgets the things they put in Caffreys cans years ago to get that 'pub pulled pint' style pour? if so I like widgets, they made my life happier
Just had a long and in depth email from Kevin from FE answering all my queries so credit where its due. I'll put it down to a bad day in the office.
You mean I've read two pages of drips and complaints against FE and it's all sorted? Fairs fair for posting up your development. But did he mention if they'd do. Drive by for your Pantygirdle, what about my RC8 with Akra fitted?
poor show FE, Simon i don't think its to big an ask tbh, i think FE rent panis to customers should they should have an idea which tracks pass and which won't. if you can be arsed i'd call /email and try to chat with micheal, he is the general manager have not had lots of dealings with him but he seems like a straight up and helpful fella. it sounds like you spoke to the boss Kevin Healy and not for the first time he has come across rude and abrupt and i agree from a customer point of view its not good enough. this aspect to his personality has put many peoples back up (understandably) including mine on occasion and there are a growing list of people who wont do FE events for this reason alone. On the flip side key has bent over backwards to help me out when i have crashed my bike more than once (sourcing parts at short notice, giving contacts of mechanics, organising alternative pickups and drops off etc etc) as well as doing deals that have allowed my to ship and store 2 bikes in spain/portugal and transport the track bike between tracks so that i can tour and do a few track days over a few weeks and tour in between. fwiw, i dont do many UK trackdays anymore (too many expensive and annoying wet wasted days and annoying noise limit bollox) but having done lots of euro trackdays with FE, no limits, tracksense, biker days, pacedayz , hotrax, and have also seen action bike events too so i have an idea about what works and what doesn't from the customer side. i have to say with the exception of Kevs annoying bolshie attitude on occasion, the slightly lengthy briefings and occasional late starts because of the long briefings, i have always found FE events to be very well run, safe and good value. on track, all the the staff have always been very friendly and helpful and professional, hotels and food are also generally pretty good with FE a couple of things set FE apart imho the star rider clinic is awesome (neil hodgeson, franki chili at mugello, excited , the transponders/chrono system works well at keeping everyone in about the right group for their pace on a given day/group of riders (no dangerously slow coaches in the fast group or racers on test days in the novices scaring the shit out of everyone) , which makes for a safer track and less stoppages. these things set FE apart in my experience and iporve the events NB although stopages are often governed by the track/marshals, eg in Brno recently with NL we hardly had any red flags at all as the marshals were so on the ball pulling the crashed bikes out of harms way. at almeria if a bike goes down in the gravel its an instant red flag i dont work for FE and I'm not saying that they the gripes people have are not justified (god knows i have wanted to stick a biro in kevs eye more than once), but there is a lot of FE bashing that goes on and as a fairly regular customer i think a bit of balance is required. fwiw, i liked really like no limits alot to, although their tyre service is soooo sloooowwww . 1.5hrs for 2 staff to do 5 pairs of boots FFS !! 3 lost sessions hmmm.....