
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Rob, May 26, 2012.


Should we filter out swearing

Poll closed Jun 25, 2012.
  1. Yes

    16 vote(s)
  2. No

    61 vote(s)
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  1. Should we filter it out?

    The poll last 30 days. Deciding vote sticks!
  2. I think it's fine in context and within reason. I don't find it offensive if it's used on a post of being pissed off or dropping your bike etc, as long as it's not used in a personal way to abuse other forum members.
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  3. FYI, if you are on Tapatalk you will not see the poll!
  4. I posted a rant recently and was mortified to see that all my naughty little words were plain and visible. :redface: Heh.

    That said, I haven't found the level of swearing just for the sake of it to be extreme, or noticeable, for that matter. As things stand right now, I see no need to implement the filters. That may change in the future, hopefully not.
  5. I think it all seems well behaved so why change something and spoil the happines?

    just my pennies.

  6. I think it`s fine to a certain degree if it helps to emphasise the point being made. As long as it doesn`t go too far, but peoples view on what is 'too far' does differ some what. Having said that some of the forums I`ve been on are down right rude and abusive, purely for the sake of it IMO, which does lower the tone and for me the credablility of that particular forum.

    So I am quite happy with the content of the threads up to now.
  7. Posts don't currently read like something by Irvine Welsh so introducing censorship to cure a non-problem seems like a bad idea. It seems so prissy to have to write "cr@p" when you mean "crap".
  8. Haven't seen the need yet Rob, rarely swear myself but when I do it feels like a huge weight has been lifted of my back. Bugger, now that feels better already.:wink:
  9. So who voted in favour then? Don't seem to be many pro-filter posts!
  10. 5 yes, 6 no, so the no's have it then.
    Bugger I thought it was over but still a month to go.
  11. What does swearing achieve......useful descriptive enhancements?
    or just showing ....lack of imagination, self control.

    most swearing is about sexual acts......I might talk like that to my wife at certain times :wink:.....but here....Why?
  12. If it ain't broke why fix it :smile:
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  13. Lets not go down the no swearing route. Its like being at school lets face it the worse we are going to hear is shit and fuck which are not vulgar like the c & t words that are slang for a ladies part. So imo filter out the vulgar stuff as no one likes that. I even bet the Queen says shit and fuck
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  14. you yourself filtered out cXXt which I think is all Rob is possibly implying?? I think WTF gets message across equally as well as 'What The Fuck' ? Anyway, what will be will be..
    #14 Chris, May 26, 2012
    Last edited: May 26, 2012
  15. I don't like seeing the C word. Also as the forum is visible to anyone putting the F<>k gets it across just as effectively & doesn't pi55 anyone off.
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  16. totally agree Phil and only posted above to show how bad it looks (IMO) if totally uncensored.
  17. The ludicrous hypocrisy of posting "fvck", "f**k", or whatever, offends me far more than the actual word itself. Just my personal opinion and no offence meant.

    I'd rather see ****, than f*** to be honest. And if we implement the filter, people will just use, for example, "5h1t" instead of the real article, which will piss me off and which, be honest folks, will achieve nothing whatsoever. A word that looks like a swear word is ... a swear word. FFS. :smile:

    That's why I prefer to have the forums unfiltered, at least for now.
  18. I think we are all excellently behaved chappies so don't see the need to filter out the odd swear word.

    i think you should filter out Yamaha, Kawasaki, Suzuki etc. Now THAT is offensive :smile:
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  19. I like to think as a rule Ducati owners aren't the teenage chavvy Gixxer type - so on a rule tend to behave themselves?

    Have yet to see a barrage of F&C on here so happy to leave things unfiltered...


    If I did throw my bike down the road I would have trouble saying anything BUT F & C.... :upyeah:
  20. I bet she doesn't. But I bet Philip does.
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