Top man! Shims ahoy! perhaps you could start one of your rather splendid rebuild threads on it. He's looking quite clean & tidy... is that a choke cable I spy - so does it have the 32 mm carbs? Don't know what your plans are but I'd be tempted to junk the splitter throttle cable along with the OE ignition system (the pick up wires have probably long rotted away by now). You may have to give him a rewire when you assess the horrors that lie underneath the reg/rec.... Useful information points are Ian Falloon's Ducati Bevel Twins book, the Bevel Heaven forum and Back to Classics for parts diagrams & numbers.
Mate, I make my living by persuading others than black is white and I have an 87% success rate, but I have not once been able to convince a woman that this motorcycle I am thinking of buying or (more often) have already bought, is a good investment. They all have some sort of 6th sense which they use to completely dismantle even the most elegantly constructed man-maths formulae.
You must try harder then. My “trick” is when I bag a cheap project bike to do up I keep a meticulous list of all costs. Frequently (once a year normally) I make a tidy profit. I then lay the proof in front on the Mrs and show her how I have been able to buy a new/better bike. Works for parts sourced off eBay too. Then I just keep a low profile on the ones I take a bath on. Invoice in the post mate, we all know what you lawyers are like with charging
Schoolboy error. Never EVER say you made a profit or else you find yourself having to fork out for a new handbag as well as a new set of forks for the money pit. Whenever you sell a bike, it absolutely must form part of a larger chain or preferably even a web involving third parties, of sales and purchases which never ever complete, because that is the point at which any profit or loss crystallises.
My Mrs is worth a handbag or two. I got her something nice when I traded up from a 748 BIP project to a 749r last year. Happy wife, …..
I must have got lucky then, my Mrs never bats an eyelid when I buy another bike and when I considered selling them all a few months ago she stopped me.
Sorry to break it to you mate, but that means she’s happy that they keep you occupied, which in turn means she’s probably having an affair.
Hope you’re reading this Mrs ExPat. My mate when he used to buy toys would also have to give half of the bikes cost to her in cash. She became very savvy and started researching values of motorcycles on that there interweb.
I absolutely intend to open a new thread on this one. Yes, Phf 32s with double cable choke. Pretty neat set up, really. My goal here is to stay as stock as possible, but I am aware of the pick-up cables issue… I already have two shopping carts ready at both Ducati Classics and Bevel Heaven and Falloon’s books on their way.
That would very soon be an ex other half... Actually, I meet a bloke on a TD once who had a secret lock up for all his bikes. Something has gone very, very wrong...