how to stop ducatiforum emails

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by funkyrimpler, Sep 6, 2013.

  1. ive looked in my personal settings but cant seem to find a way of stopping notifications and email being sent to email address..yesterday i cleared a staggering, wait for it....853 ducati forum messages...pages and pages of them..ive even marked them as spam but they still appear in my regular probably only one click away, so any advice would be great.
  2. So........basically you are a miserable git, not answering PMs from forum members? :wink:

  3. nah nothing like that..but for instance, that message you just left will be sent to my email, and a notification to my phone. im clearing several hundred messages a week from my personal email..NOT the one here...essentially any thread i write to, every response by every member is sent to my phone and personal email, hence 853 unread messages in a week..then i have to wade thru all of that to get to less trivial emails.
    i dont use that address for business, good thing too as i would end up accidentally deleting stuff.

    Anyway..any help??

    If not my options would be..
    1) leave the site
    2) set up another email account and use the current one as a ducatiforum loathed to close that email account as ive had it for 14 years and theres some stuff archived that i want to keep.
  4. I assume you have done this already but, Log in; Go to Settings; General Settings; then choose what you want to turn off....

    #4 Ghost Rider, Sep 6, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 6, 2013
  5. Settings > General Settings > Messaging & Notification > Default Thread Subscription Mode > Do Not Subscribe
    • Like Like x 2
  6. you do get a prompt with the email allowing you to opt out of receiving any more email notifications
  7. If that doesn't work, you can set up a filter on your email to direct emails with the words 'ducati forum' into a folder of your choice :smile:

  8. cheers antonye, and everyone was doing my skull i can parachute in, offend everybody and swagger off again...

    thank you thank you
  9. I have done all of that: Settings > General Settings > Messaging & Notification > Default Thread Subscription Mode > Do Not Subscribe

    but still get e mailed every time there is a new post on this forum!
  10. I think you may have to do it on every thread :frown:
  11. No - that settings disables everything from that point on (ie, new threads).
    Make sure you click the "Save Changes" button right at the bottom when you change it.

    To clear out all your current subscriptions, go to: Settings > My Subscriptions > Subscriptions
    Then you can select them all, delete all your subscriptions and you won't get any more emails.
  12. As I don't have any friends I enjoy going to my email as I have so many I feel wanted lol ;-D
  13. juct checked my email and ive received 176 emails in the last hour or two.

    if i cant get this resolved i'll have to delete my ducatiforum account, because im fkn fed up with it.
  14. how do i do that Matt? im on yahoo and cant see how to do it..

    its ridiculous because i literally am deleting thousands and i mean thousands of emails.....
    heres the last couple of hours:

    View attachment 19442

    this is every hour of every day for months and months....the only time is thins out is when im not on the goes down to about 300 a hundred a day.
    when im active it is in excess of 1000.
  15. 2 more since posting this thread.
  16. Funky

    I tried wat Antonye proposed:

    To clear out all your current subscriptions, go to: Settings > My Subscriptions > Subscriptions
    Then you can select them all, delete all your subscriptions and you won't get any more emails.

    Seems to have worked so far:upyeah:
  17. wtf is a subscription anyway??

    every time i post or create a thread will it automatically 'subscribe' me in?

    If so I DONT WANT IT.. so that being the case, can i make my default for everything except sending and receiving pm's, and submitting threads and posts a.. 'NO'???
    #17 funkyrimpler, Sep 6, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2013
  18. Hmm. I used to have this problem but I sorted it so long ago I can't remember what I did. All I get now are emails when someone has sent me a PM.

    So in the words of Coke Zero - "It's possible!"
  19. On tapatalk the top right hand corner gives you a pull down and you can unsubscribe to the thread
    I think your automatically subscribed otherwise
  20. It's a square with an arrow coming out of it
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