Saying axe instead of ask??? Because they hear it in films/tv Axe him? WHAT? Hit him with an axe?? F#kin fashion victims!
We are apparently required to do that at work, a requirement which I and most of the team have chosen to ignore.
"ya know?" The catch all phrase used by the poorly edumacated when they are unable, (or just to bloody lazy) to articulate a thought or idea with sufficient clarity. Drives me crazy bonkers. " No I don't know, why don't you try FUCKING explaining it to me like an educated adult, not a feckless American teenager you half wit!". I have also observed that the question is usually followed by a lengthy pause, a slack-jawed, bovine stare with accompanying gumby smile as your interlocutor expects you to elucidate their own thought process back to them so they may acknowledge that you have interpreted their rambling, cretinous logic correctly; God give me strength.
Alternatively, “… know what I mean?” I can only assume from your last paragraph that you’ve had the misfortune to deal with one of my office colleagues because it describes the behaviour that follows the phrase above perfectly.
It is quite clever though...talking through their nose, whilst simultaneously talking through their arse
Working with Americans who describe their point from the eyes of a fictional character and story: "I'd like to get this sorted faster, like we should say 'hey, let's do this faster'''. It's lazy story telling and in my mind is a cop out to filling the air with useless talk to sound important. If you have a plan, articulate and design, I'm not paid to listen to wishful thinking and ego hurling. Oh and someone mentioned what the fuck is a CSM, ask away, I was an enterprise CSM for several years, it's a legit job, sadly filled with idiots.
My eldest son is now a trainee teacher and the staff at his school were told that they should avoid references to Christmas. Tbh, I thought such things only happened in the fever dreams of the likes of Richard Littlejohn and Mike Graham, but it seems not. He’s teaching RE, so how he got through his classes without mentioning Christmas is beyond me!
My RE teacher in the mid 1960’s had a significant influence on my adulthood agnosticism. He was a remarkable man, a doctor of divinity and a devout (C of E) christian but he taught (lower case) religion. In today’s classroom, he would have been vilified for explaining the (major) religions of the world, including the fundamentals of monotheism and polytheism. Hey ho. Andy