Thank you

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Stressed Hippo, Sep 6, 2013.

  1. Ladies and Gents.

    I find your posts amusing, interesting , annoying, informative. Long may it continue.

    Today, I have found out my neighbour has cancer.

    Puts things into perspective.

    I'm not Spartacus, but I care.

    Have a great weekend everyone, whatever you do with it. Xxx
  2. Just cross those fingers and hope they've caught it early enough for a full recovery. Nothing is incurable apart from the need for speed.
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  3. Thank you.
  4. I hope they battle through this and beat it.
    Many people do now .
    My father beat Lung cancer .
    My friend beat a male cancer twice and has been in remission now for about 5 years.
    Both were very upbeat people and bloody determined I think that's the key.

    Sadly I recently got news 3 more friends are battling.
    One is winning
    One is battling for a second time but again he is a very upbeat much loved man and I am confident he will beat it again.

    Sadly my other friend is terminal.
    But you would never know apart from they get tired . And is SO upbeat I admire them immensely .

    Sadly it's more common now to hear of people but .... It's way more common that people beat this vile disease now .
    I'm sure it is a positive and stubborn attitude that is half the battle.
    I had a scare a while ago and I have to say I was very frightened for a few weeks as it was over Christmas I kept it quiet.
    It also meant it took getting the all clear longer then normal.. It was terrifying.
    I told my Mum and that was it.
    I was very scared as 5 of 6 of us girls have had female cancer of some kind ..I am the only one who touch wood who has been lucky I honestly thought well here it is :(
    I spent Christmas on own apart from some time with my sons I very scared and upset.
    I don't want that ever again.
    But I did not want to worry anyone incase it was nothing and did not want to spoil Christmas.
    Lucky for me I was all clear .

    Keep upbeat and help them all you can and their partner if they have one.
    But treatment is improving all the time now and now people with secondaries are beating it hands down .
    So please have faith :)
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  5. Hope your neighbour does ok. Cancer is a facker. Lost too many friends, including my younger brother to that disease...

    anyway, I'm Spartacus!!... :upyeah:
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  6. I wish your neighbour all the very best of luck.

    I've lost two cousins and two brothers in law through this horrible disease. Seven years ago I had a malignant tumour removed from my back, and other than a big hole in my back I'm still here and can do all of the things I did before. And some.

    Unfortunately my dad now has mesothelioma. Eighteen months ago he was given twelve months to live. Thankfully so far hes not too bad. Every day is a blessing.
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  7. No, I'm Spartacus:mad:

    I had a terrible dream about cancer last night. Horrible bloody disease, best to not think about it , just enjoy every day as much as you can and appreciate the people around you.
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  8. I'm Spartacus ;-)

    Stay safe, keep well and enjoy everyday everyone

    Thinking of all of you coming to terms with any trauma in your life

    Big massive hugs to you all
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  9. it really feels more and more like an 'enjoy it while you can' time - Hope you all are :upyeah:
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  10. I send my best wishes to your neighbour. The toughest thing I have ever done is watch and care for my grand daughter as she slowly succumbed to a rare and cruel inoperable brain tumor, she died 4 years ago at age 2. It was very tough and heartbreaking, but also strangely rewarding, and it brought us closer as a family.
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  11. Jeez! That must have been terrible at the time. My son died unexpectedly nearly two years ago. Found him dead in his room one November morning. You are right about things like this bringing a family closer together... Weird thing though, it really kicks me in the teeth when I go round my mums, as she has a family photo on the wall with my son and my brother in it... Just hope that wherever they are now, they are having a good time...
  12. so much grief in the last two posts - you are both brave to post publicly, I couldn't. There are no words that come close but cheers me up to think that you both got closer to your families.
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  13. S H you were absolutely right when you said it puts things into perspective, we all find ourselves getting wound up over the most trivial things that really don't matter a bit compared to health and family.

    I'm Spartacus and so is my wife.
  14. If you're gonna get it, you'll get it. Its how you and those around you that manage it thats important. Live every day like its your last, it may be :)

    I'm more Spartacus mate really
  15. What's important is the here and now. Of course, work and money, family and relationships are all important, but so is looking after your own interests. You've got to keep yourself happy.

    I've worked hard recently in getting a mate of mine to speak to his sister - they'd not spoken for years after a stupid drunken row - but now they're close again. Life's too short to hold grudges.
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  16. I still get sad, or mad, but mostly now I just remember the good times and how special and strong she was, live each day as it comes and don't sweat the small stuff people, let the ones you love know and make the best of each day.
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  17. tell him some of ya shit jokes - that'll cheer him up !
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  18. A touching post Dave.Sometimes we forget others when we get wrapped up in our own problems-I have just thanked Mrs Mervyn for all her devotion and care she gives to me,I should say it more often.
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  19. I think I've got something in my eye
  20. There are a lot of good people on this forum.
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