Now, I like using that as a response instead of ‘that’s great’ or ‘well done’ as the recipient can’t really tell if I’m genuine or taking the piss Example, Mrs B says ‘I’ve done the dishes’ and I say ‘oh, super!’
That's totally top-tastic there mate (Smashie and Nicey ) Anyway, has Joe Biden left the building yet ?
To be fair, “super” started being used by premier class motorcycle riders in interviews, where English was not their first language. What is unacceptable IMO, is using the word when English is your first language. Andy
“Journey” Very common in wanky self-help related reels on Instagram and usually uttered by a girl who pronounces it “jarney", talking about how she overcame a bit of depression but makes it sound as if she survived a shipwreck followed by a shark attack.