
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Pete1950, Jan 29, 2025.

  1. Happy New Year, as the year of the Snake begins.
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  2. Pah, thought this was a pop at King Charles III…
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. gong xi fa cai Andy
  4. I saw a snake on holiday in the Camargue - last summer. That is, I was on holiday, not the snake. :D

    This is it - it might be resting after eating a frog.:astonished:

    Apologies if this has nothing to do with the original post......:D

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    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. I used to keep snakes many years ago, Californian King snakes, lovely animals. I had one for nearly 20 years.
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  6. Official_portrait_of_Michael_Gove_crop_2.jpg
    • Funny Funny x 6
    • Agree Agree x 3
  7. That snake looks eerily like a meerkat
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  8. I’ve got a Royal Python and a Corn snake. Had a few boas a while back too.

    Oh and I’ve got Amazon Milk Frogs too :)
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  9. King Woke I as he’s now named….
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  10. Wow, that seems a long time to live. Just had a quick Google at what they look like - black and white bands, look a handsome animal.

    I have had to look most of this stuff up on Google. Very interesting - some amazing creatures out there.
  11. A vindscreen viper I believe. :D
    • Funny Funny x 2
  12. Tries to suck up to the people that despise him and all he stands for. Sad really… And he’s seemingly a right grumpy bastard.
  13. Spoilt bastard more like, he’s a wef founding member so he hates us peasants anyway.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  14. Right, back on the Chinese theme… :imp:

    • Funny Funny x 2
  15. I'm gonna have to call a point of order here - a snake bite is half cider & half lager. Makes it go cloudy.

    A poor man's Black Velvet is half Guinness & half cider & is very nice. A rich man's Black Velvet is Guinness & champagne which I've never being able to afford. I suspect it is very nice also.

    All three can do serious damage if a shot of your choice is depth charged in them e.g. port, Pernod etc etc.
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    • Useful Useful x 1
  16. [​IMG]

    Not available in Ireland, Iceland, Greenland (AKA "New America"), New Zealand, Antarctica or Hawaii.
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  17. I used to be quite partial to a Black Velvet, however many establishments banned the serving of it.
  18. A Black and Tan, was and probably still is, a bitter with a Guinness top.
    I’d get some undesirable looks from some of the local drunks when shouting an order in at my local.
    But in my defence i was young, naive and not very worldly wise.
  19. When I was a callow youth I worked in one of those suburban boozers that don't exist any more. A bar with dark wood floor & furniture for those still in work clothes and lots of, what are now non pc jokes & swearing. A smoke room for men only. And a lounge with red/black carpet & velour furniture to take the missus/girlfriend out on a Friday/Saturday where she would no doubt have a snowball with a slice of lemon & a cherry on a stick. Sophisticated like.

    Anyway there was an older lady who used to come into the bar with her husband and drink pints of Guinness and when she got half way down she'd top it up with a barley wine. Every day, bar Sunday, she came in and have 2 or 3 of those on a weekdays & 5 or so on a Saturday. Smoked Park Drive down to the finger nails.

    When the Guinness got pricey she'd have it half & half with mild and if she wanted a change she'd have a black & tan. But always topped 'em up with barley wine.
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