
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Pete1950, Jan 29, 2025.

  1. I used to drink half a Tennents Extra in a pint glass topped up with Barley wine.

    Silly bastard.
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  2. With barley wine I never got farther than a couple of experimental sips...
  3. That would have been some concoction!
  4. The thought makes me shudder now.

    They got one case of Gold Label in a week for some old boy (who was not impressed that I was drinking a few bottles of it a week too).

    He sat with a few others on a bench we called Death Row. He regularly shat himself whilst sat at said bench. His insides must have been ruined.

    He stopped coming one day, then they found him half naked and covered in shite, dead on the toilet floor of his flat…….which was nice.
    • Like Like x 2
    • WTF WTF x 2
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  5. I went through a Tennants Super (9% in the blue cans) phase in the early 90s. I know it was then as I wasn’t allowed to vote in the 1992 election because I turned up to the polling station with one inside me and another one in my mitt. Those were some of the best times of my life - I was working as a welder’s mate doing architectural metalwork all over London. I loved that job. We had such a laugh. Me and Leroy would set off from south London in his van early in the morning, go and do whatever we needed to do, then get a 4 pack of Super on the way home. He must have been wrecked by the time we reached Kennington but still had a long way to go before we reached Thornton Heath :bucktooth:

    It’s a very different buzz to normal lager. Do they even still sell it, because I can’t imagine that the nanny state nazis who have been bossing us around since the turn of the century would allow something like that to escape their disapproving gaze.
    #25 Zhed46, Jan 31, 2025
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2025
  6. Yeah I think it’s still out there.

    Too much for me, although I did like Carlsberg Elephant which was c7%
  7. Tennants super is like tar in a can. I did drink it though when I was younger.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Ah, that's the one - I was trying to remember the name of the stuff the old girl I mentioned earlier used to top up her pint with. Came in smallish 1/3 of a pint (?) bottles... strangely enough with a gold tinfoil top iirc.
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  9. Yeah. Like alcoholic golden syrup.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. If you look carefully pretty much every single supermarket will stock Carlsberg Special Brew. Usually only just a 4 pack wide portion of the shelf but still there.

    Probably an urban myth but they did a survey as to who was actually drinking the stuff and it was two quite distinct groups. The cash poor but time rich and the time poor but cash rich. The former who wanted to get hammered without too much expense and the latter who wanted to get hammered as quick as possible.... :laughing:
    • Funny Funny x 2
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