Featured 996 New Addition

Discussion in '748 / 916 / 996 / 998' started by Andrew46, Dec 23, 2024.

  1. Thanks, but it didn't cost a lot.
    Yours would have been all muddy!
  2. Put new oil in, after new filter eventually turned up.
    Put the wiring loom back in, battery holder, and all associated wiring in that area, then absolutely no life whatsoever, bugger! Took it all apart many times, couldn't see anything wrong. Left the ket turned on and just keep proving and pressing wires, then some life, yellow really would click and neutral and oil light would come on if I pushed the loom just above clutch where it splits into 3 or 4. Cut the plastic wire cover off and found a white wire not attached, it should have been joined with the other white wire, but had corroded off. I assume it was fine and contacting enough two work until I took it out and re-fitted it. Cleaned it up, chopped the joiner off the other, soldered together, now all good, so after several hours now happy again.
    The brown dried dust/ muck on the floor in pic 2/3 came out of the plastic wire shroud as I cut it off, not ideal for wiring.

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  3. Gradually working through the long list of jobs to do. Was changing air filters this morning, when taking old ones out to fit new OE filters, was surprised to find Pipercross filters in the original Ducati frames. I assume this is how they are fitted, they are the oiled type. If I hold them up to a light and compare with the new OE, there is a lot more light coming through the OE, so I would assume easier air flow (probably less filtration, but not planning on riding in the desert). What are peoples thoughts, re-oil etc the Pipercross, or fit the new Ducati filters I have bought.
    Also it says in the Haynes manual the is a sort of rubber bung thing in the 996 air intake, I don't have them, what are they for?
    Many thanks
  4. It lives!!
    Cooling system flushed out with distilled water, refilled with new coolant (obviously!)
    Oil pressure light came on when the engine got hot, I assume nothing serious, will get a new sensor.
    No idea if this video link will work, it needs copy/ paste to view it I think
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  5. All finished now, leaving getting the shock serviced for now. Seemed to have spent a lot more time doing it than I thought I would.
    Was quite shocked to find no hole under the headstock for a stand, made getting he forks out a bit of a faff.
    Have tried to clean bolts etc as I've gone along to keep them original, some were quite rusty, see caliper pics. a few bolts had to be replaced if the head was knackered.
    The finished picture looks pretty much the same as when I got it, but a lot has gone on underneath.
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  6. Looking good mate
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  7. What was your work around to get the forks out, please?
  8. A step ladder and ratchet strap, not pretty but worked

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    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  9. Got it out of the shed today for the first time and rode it about 50 yards down the drive, so that's the prep done ready for Cadwell tomorrow
    Also a pre wheel, wheelie bin

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  10. Ran like a dream, few little things after the first session, gear shift lever was far too low, brake lever too high, sorted them. The gear lever seems to bend in towards the engine which seems a bit odd, is this normal?
    Had to re-learn not having a slipper clutch, which was interesting in the first damp laps.
    Glad I put a 180 tyre on it, it changes direction very well.
    It does little wheelies as well !
    Rained at lunchtime, so gave up, didn't want to push my luck
    Battery now flat, guess reg/rec knackered?


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  11. Regarding the flat battery, check the big white plug, when I got my 996, it was disconnected, it should be connected to the black one I'm holding


    As for the gear lever, this is on my 996, the rubber sleeve has since been fitted, the second pic is from my 916, giving you an idea of what it should look like when looking straight down at it

    Screenshot_20250223_160834_Gallery.jpg 20250223_160403.jpg

    Hope these images are of help to you :upyeah:
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  12. Thanks Rob
    The white plug was definitely attached when I put it all back together, but I will check it's not come apart.
    Looking at your gear lever, mine is bent. :upyeah:
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  13. My battery went flat after a short time running, it was that plug disconnected

    Check the connections from the generator, my 916 died due to flat battery, it was a burnt out connector on the wire from the generator
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  14. Its not likely to be the white plug to the reg/rec as you would only get about 5 miles without it connected.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  15. Reg/Rec was at fault, new one fitted works as it should.
    Gear shifter straightened
    Fitted footpeg drop type bracket, kept same height just moved them back to create more room between peg and gearshift, rode it today, don't like them, foot keeps sitting on the extension rather than peg, so will revert to OE.
    Booked for an MOT today, bought some OE cans for quiet trackdays, so thought I'd put them on for the MOT, what surprise I've bought the wrong ones, need 45mm, not 50mm. I didn't realise they were 50's when I bought them!
    Passed it's MOT (tester asked when it ran out, 2013), no advisories, not even for the glorious sound the Akra's make.
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. You could get a link pipe that terminates to 50mm if you still wanted to use the OE pipes.
  17. They seem to be very expensive, one on eBay for £399, will just get some 45mm cans, will be cheaper. Sell the 50mm
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