The quality of the OE plating is cheap, to make re plating cost viable, you’d need more than 2 nuts. I’d buy (and have bought myself) new. I’m not a fan of aftermarket stainless or titanium but many owners are. Andy
thanks buddy was thinking that and know it would bring them up great but do they quickly get light corrosion on them again afterwards?
i think they are galvanised, it was greatly improved but not as new i did a load of others like sprocket nuts, didn't fancy buying new ones, i have spent so much on this bike now just keeping it up to scratch
Well spent an hour removing and cleaning the nuts up on the wire wheel, smeared them all with oil or grease and wiped over, also did the front caliper bolt heads and a few other tiny screws and washers here and there! Just need to get the centre wheel nut off now as that was a bit too tight so need to borrow a mates stronger impact gun. Quite a therapeutic job I thought lol