Hi all. Dropped into the dealer for a nose who then, as they do, "made me an offer I couldn't refuse..." on a swop Consequently got a few bits and pieces that will be available in couple of weeks once he has taken them off the V4RS. All in tip top nick and will include delivery in price below. Evotech tail tidy £150 SOLD Evotech pillion peg removal/exhaust hanger £45 SOLD Carbonworld (matt) rear hugger for Pikes Peak and V4RS £150 Ducati Performance matt carbon open clutch cover £90 SOLD Ducati heated seat standard size. (Has small 5mm tear in cover on rear of seat that isn't visible when fitted as covered by pillion seat). £150 Black billet Rizoma footpegs and adapters £50 SOLD And finally got gorgeous pair of BST 7 spoke TEK carbon wheels as per this link https://www.bikehps.com/acatalog/Du...rbon_Fibre_Motorcycle_Wheels.html#aBSTMTSV4RS They were on my V4PP and V4RS and fit all the V4 multis plus whole heap of other models like the Panigale (straight swop on rear and apparently need 5mm spacers for the front). I bought them off a forum member few years back and believe they have done around 10k miles. in great condition. £1500 with HPS canvas carrying/storage bags. Going to stick these on eBay once i have the bits back from the dealers but wanted to flag them up here first in case anyone interested. cheers