Motorcycles Banned From Nurburgring Tourist Laps

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by freshage, Feb 21, 2025.


    Well, it happened. Starting this year, motorcycles are no longer welcome to just turn up and join on tourist laps. Instead they will have just 4 days each year which will be bikes only and organised more akin to strict track days...

    I don't think this was the right solution and am super gutted as I had planned on regular visits (it's a 4h drive from my location) throughout the year, not anymore...
    • Agree Agree x 4
    • WTF WTF x 2
  2. Did one lap in 2011 just for the expeience, that was enough, didn't want to risk more and it was fairly quiet. Very glad I chalked up that experience, especially now. Think it was €24. €750 :eek:, guess that's access for a full day, as many laps as you can fit in. Though numbers may limit that.
  3. Each session will indeed be a full day in escorted groups with up to 140 riders able to register for one of the 4 days. It'll quickly become a rich person's attraction as each year will allow max 560 bikes across those days...
    • Agree Agree x 3
  4. I’ve never ridden the circuit but I’ve not wanted to. The idea of bikes and cars on the same track is just a recipe for disaster.
    • Agree Agree x 12
  5. I've regularly participated on the 2-day closed circuit events by Motorrad Aktion Team and/or ADAC/Doc Scholl. Awesome track but (a) its not cheap (b) its still dangerous. Seen more bike fatalities here than anywhere. Never had the guts to try TF with mixed vehicles; the first event I did with the BMW Club Mulheim am Rhein that had some element of mixed lapping was more than enough to convince me bikes and cars at the same time was not a great time.

    Still sad day.
  6. It always appeared quite hazardous watching bikes and cars on the circuit at the same time with such different lines of attack. I would be far more tempted to have a go with the cars out of the way.
  7. I once was the very first person on the track when it opened at 8 am. So I was guaranteed no other traffic in the way, for one lap. A bit damp under the trees though at that time.
    • Like Like x 2
  8. I have absolutely no desire to take any of my bikes or cars there, after watching loads of fuckwittery on YouTube.
    • Agree Agree x 5
  9. £8 a lap when i first went :) Done loads car and bike laps and reckon a British biker killed on majority weekends I've been. Ticked that box, loved it and survived but no more. Went last year again but just stuck to the local roads and watching the bun fight on track
    #10 Fraser, Feb 21, 2025
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2025
  10. I've dun it a few times. The first time a rider was killed (a Swede, I think, and he was bloody quick) and went once in a group and a friend of a friend ended up in hospital. Gaps for track clear ups after accidents were common - about every 90 minutes!

    Done it on mixed days and never found the cars a problem.

    I think that we would buy a ticket for not much money and you would get three or five laps in, I think,

    It was a strange place with complete madness in a county were everybody was so obedient of speed limits on normal roads. But the Germans do like a bit of madness, with no speed limit on most sections of the Autobahn!

    It was crazy, though and like all good things ......... etc
  11. Dead ringers!
  12. Ah well, looks like I will never get a lap. Had planned one in 2013 on the Multistrada, Mrs was going to watch (and look after the luggage lol). …but I was too enthusiastic with the on ferry ‘lubrication’ the night before and was feeling rather jaded on arrival. Common sense prevailed, half an hour of watching the madness and then on with our journey in to the Dolomites.
    • Like Like x 2
  13. I rode in tf for 25 years. Many amazing laps and only one off which was my own fault. having lived 12 miles away from the track for 18 years was an advantage to pick quiet times.
    it’s a sad loss especially as the management have done zero to replace with anything. The four days they talk off are great if that’s your thing but no good for the majority of bikers. Besides tve 4 days are often full so there’s no room for booking, as they have not offered any more dates to the two companies that do the training days.
    My last lap on my monster in 2022
    • Like Like x 2
  14. I still remember the euphoria of my first time … 2014 … remember that trip with the ‘green-laning’ @Pete1950 @bradders LOL ???

    I have to say … it does feel safer in the driving seat of a car!




    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Like Like x 1
  15. 11 years ago! Seems like yesterday
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. Crikey! 10 years ago...
  17. I do mate. And me pissing myself as we followed Pete up a grassy path and gravelly hairpins :joy:
  18. I did a couple of laps on my Aprilia Tuono a far few years ago. Glad I had the experience but no desire to do it again.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Absolutely ZERO interest to go there and ride. It also seemed that with every bike insurance cover I had for the variety of different bikes I've owned, this track was specifically blanked and NOT covered. I have plenty of stuff to brag about over a beer or three and I've never needed this event on my bike CV!!
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