Featured New Member

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by Tim G, Feb 23, 2025.

  1. New to the group, I live in Wiltshire. I have owned this 900 Supersport for 24 years. Recommissioned and back on the road last year after many years stored.

    • Like Like x 16
  2. Hi and welcome from Dorset

    Your photo was taken near Pewsey?
  3. Hi Hugo, taken in front of the White Horse at Westbury
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  4. Welcome into our mad house :)
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  5. lovely bike, lovely picture.
    I have the same model but also needing massive attention now.
  6. Great photo, welcome to the forum
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  7. It was a huge labour of love tracking parts down and getting it back together
  8. Very much worth it.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Shame you didn't post earlier or might have been able to help. I need to let this one go sadly.
  10. isn't that always the way!! There is a group on Facebook specific to this model if you decide to sell
  11. Welcome along from another of your county neighbours
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  12. Welcome and enjoy.

    Lovely bike and picture
    • Like Like x 1
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