He doesn't want to sell it, his wife has told him to sell it, maybe this is his way of showing his life that he's trying to sell it
The C&C advert states, ignore the asking price and make an offer. Having done something very similar to the original builder, I’m in two minds as to where the actual value of the bike is. As an original, period correct, matching numbers 748 sps (which it isn’t) in the current market, its value (despite peoples’ aspirations) is probably around £10k. Is it worth more than a 748R ? As a smaller numbers bike, yes but desirability, probably not. There are some very interesting individual parts but not sure which have value and which don’t. Öhlins forks and triple clamps, absolutely, carbon bodywork maybe, carbon petrol tank, IMO, not so much. The race dash, if it has the loom, yes. The question now, does the value of the desirable individual items add up to the hoped for price. On reflection, the value is in breaking the bike and that is a thankless task. Andy
Just seen the note about the asking price, I seen the advert and just scrolled past. I think original 748sps prices are nearer £5k selling price than £10k at the moment.
As promised, here's the reply....... "Hello there, hard to put a price on the bike as one off world superbike parts, plus quality parts, take it you’ve read the last photo in advert, tells you 90% of what’s on the bike I’d want high teens for it , plus it’s sps not sp rare bikes sps,s"
https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/27689242...WK1XnSHSLy&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Be interesting to see what this goes for...
Don't sit on the fence...............straight talking always travels better than a forked tongue. @RickyX