May 1962 Beryl Swain : 1st lady to compete at "TT Isle of Man" on ITOM 50cc Racer / in this pic she was trying a Maserati Rospo
Sam West will soon to be heading off to race in the Daytona 200 for his first time. Check out his amazing new RST custom printed leathers! Cool graphics!
'Tis a turnip north of the border and you could start a fight in a Scottish pub by calling it a swede As to it's variety I couldn't tell you but it was bought in the Co-Op and it certainly was fresh, nice & yellow once peeled & diced didn't take much boiling. Mashed with a little white pepper.
Both white and yellow root vegetable varieties are from the same family. The yellow variety is called a Swedish Turnip, which got corrupted over time to what we now call a Swede. I remember the watery, orange mush we got served at school being disgusting. It wasn’t until I worked in Scotland that I found out how the vegetable should be prepared and served. Can’t have Haggis without it Andy
i think all the above are fine - cooked properly, they have a place on a dining plate, but i draw the line at pumpkin.
With chilli and cayenne, pumpkin makes an awesome soup. Well at least my girlfriend’s pumpkin soup is awesome Andy